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Event King Items Quest Guide

Welcome to the Event King Items Quest! In this quest, you can choose to help the King of Prontera by collecting items and earn either a Grand Circlet (Crown) or an Excalibur (Sword) as your reward.

Quest Overview

  • Quest Name: Event King Items Quest
  • Objective: Collect items to calm the King's daughter and receive either a Crown or a Sword.
  • Starting NPC: King of Prontera in Prontera Castle (prt_castle, 80, 170)
  • Rewards:
    • Grand Circlet (Item ID: 5007)
    • Excalibur (Item ID: 1137)

Quest Steps

Step 1: Talk to the King of Prontera

  • Location: Prontera Castle (80, 170)
  • Dialogue:
    • The King asks for your help to calm his daughter, who is upset.
    • In exchange, he will reward you with either his Crown or his Sword.
    • Select Sure, what can I do? to proceed.

Step 2: Collect the Required Items

  • For the Grand Circlet (Crown), you need to gather the following items:
    • 30x Poporing Doll (Item ID: 742)
    • 50x Poring Doll (Item ID: 741)
    • 20x Mastering Doll (Item ID: 753)
    • 1x White Herb (Item ID: 732)
    • 20x Emerald (Item ID: 710)
    • 20x Pearl (Item ID: 629)
  • For the Excalibur (Sword), you need to gather the following items:
  • 1x Great Nature (Item ID: 2254)
  • 1x Necklace (Item ID: 2282)
  • 1x Emperium (Item ID: 714)

Step 3: Return to the King of Prontera

  • After collecting all the required items, return to the King in Prontera Castle.
  • He will ask you to choose between the Crown or the Sword as your reward.

Step 4: Claim Your Reward

  • Once you hand over the items, you will receive either the Grand Circlet (Crown) or Excalibur (Sword), depending on your choice.
  • The King will thank you for your help and fulfill his promise.

Important Notes

  • Make sure you collect all the required items before returning to the King.
  • You can only choose one reward at a time: either the Crown or the Sword.

Materials List

  • Grand Circlet (Crown) Materials:
    • 30x Poporing Doll (Item ID: 742)
    • 50x Poring Doll (Item ID: 741)
    • 20x Mastering Doll (Item ID: 753)
    • 1x White Herb (Item ID: 732)
    • 20x Emerald (Item ID: 710)
    • 20x Pearl (Item ID: 629)
  • Excalibur (Sword) Materials:
    • 1x Great Nature (Item ID: 2254)
    • 1x Necklace (Item ID: 2282)
    • 1x Emperium (Item ID: 714)

Quest Completion

Once you turn in all the required items, you will receive either the Grand Circlet (Crown) or Excalibur (Sword) as a reward. Congratulations!

Additional Information

  • This quest combines the Grand Circlet and Excalibur quests into one event, making it easier for players to choose which item they want to obtain.
  • If you wish to obtain both rewards, you will need to complete the quest twice, gathering the required materials again for the second reward.
king_s_items_quest_guide.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/18 16:16 by gemmaster