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Wolves Gathering Place & Sanctuary Purification Instance Guide

The Wolves Gathering Place and Sanctuary Purification instances are part of Episode 18. Players must complete various tasks, defeat enemies, and navigate through a challenging environment. This guide will help you understand how to complete these instances.


  • Base Level: 170 or higher for both instances.
  • Must be in a party.
  • Only the party leader can initiate the instance.

Wolves Gathering Place: Starting the Instance

1. Talk to Suad in Rachel (167, 244):

  1. Speak to Suad to begin the Wolves Gathering Place instance.
  2. The party leader must initiate the questline and complete prerequisites.
  3. Make sure your party is ready before entering.

2. Instance Creation:

  1. Suad will allow the party leader to create the instance once all conditions are met.
  2. The instance is divided into several steps, where you will face mobs and NPCs.

Inside Wolves Gathering Place

1. Step 1: NPC Interactions:

  1. You will interact with Miriam and Suad as they guide you through the instance.
  2. Follow their instructions and engage in dialogue to progress.

2. Defeating Temple Guards:

  1. Throughout the instance, you will face Temple Guards and Heart Hunters. Defeat these enemies to clear your path.

3. Boss Encounter:

  1. At the end of the instance, you will face Schulang and other powerful enemies.
  2. Coordinate with your party to defeat the bosses and complete the instance.

Sanctuary Purification: Starting the Instance

1. Talk to Priest in Rachel (167, 244):

  1. After completing Wolves Gathering Place, speak to the Priest to begin the Sanctuary Purification daily quest.
  2. This instance is repeatable once a day.

2. Instance Creation:

  1. Similar to Wolves Gathering Place, the party leader can initiate the instance.
  2. Be prepared to face waves of enemies and purify the sanctuary.

Inside Sanctuary Purification

1. Purifying the Sanctuary:

  1. Your goal is to purify the sanctuary by defeating defected Temple Guards and Heart Hunters.
  2. The instance has various stages, where each wave of enemies must be defeated to progress.

2. Boss Fight:

  1. The final stage includes a boss fight against powerful enemies.
  2. Work with your party to defeat them and complete the instance.

Completing the Instances

1. Claiming Rewards:

  1. After defeating the bosses in both instances, speak to the NPCs to receive rewards such as Amethyst Fragments.
  2. These fragments can be used for crafting and other in-game activities.

2. Exit the Instances:

  1. Once the mission is complete, you can exit the instances and prepare for the next run.


  • Team Coordination: Work closely with your party to manage enemy waves and boss fights.
  • Healing Items: Bring enough healing items, as both instances contain tough battles.
  • Cooldown: Sanctuary Purification can be completed once a day, while Wolves Gathering Place has specific cooldown periods.

Good luck on your journey through the Wolves Gathering Place and Sanctuary Purification!

wolves_gathering_place_sanctuary_purification_instance_guide.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/19 17:26 by gemmaster