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Lost Farm in Time Instance Guide

The Lost Farm in Time instance is part of Episode 17.2 and requires players to assist in the farming operations of a unique facility. Players will interact with various NPCs and help in harvesting resources while facing enemies. This guide will help you navigate the instance and complete it successfully.


  • Base Level: 150 or higher.
  • Must be in a party.
  • Only the party leader can initiate the instance.

Starting the Instance

1. Talk to Luina in ba_maison (311, 206):

  1. The party leader must speak to Luina to initiate the instance.
  2. Ensure your base level is 150 or higher, and you are in a party. Solo players cannot proceed.

2. Quest Progress Check:

  1. If you have already completed part of the Episode 17.2 questline, ensure you have unlocked the instance by following the quest progression.
  2. If not, complete the prerequisite quests with Automatic Doll before proceeding.

Inside the Lost Farm

Once inside, follow these steps:

1. Interact with Luina and Silk:

  1. Luina will guide you through the initial steps of the farming process, explaining how to help with harvesting.
  2. Silk will assist you with more practical tasks, such as dealing with the Pitaya creatures.

2. Defeating Monsters:

  1. Throughout the instance, you will face waves of monsters like Pitaya and other creatures.
  2. Defeat all enemies to progress to the next stage of the instance.

Harvesting Process

1. Assist with Pitaya Harvest:

  1. Luina will explain how to carefully harvest the Pitaya tails.
  2. You need to help Silk calm the Pitayas and then assist with the harvest. Avoid damaging the plants to maximize the rewards.

2. Boss Encounter: Boss Kitty:

  1. As you progress, you will eventually need to face Boss Kitty, a powerful Pitaya that serves as the boss of the instance.
  2. Use your party’s coordination to defeat Boss Kitty and continue with the harvest.

Completing the Instance

1. Final Harvest:

  1. After defeating Boss Kitty, return to Silk to finish the harvesting process.
  2. You will receive rewards based on how much you harvested.

2. Exit the Instance:

  1. Once you’ve completed the harvest and collected your rewards, you can exit the instance and return to the main map.


  • Team Coordination: Make sure your party works together to efficiently defeat monsters and assist with the harvest.
  • Healing Items: Bring enough healing items, as the battles with Pitayas can be challenging, especially the boss fight.
  • Cooldown: There is a cooldown period after completing the instance before you can re-enter.

Good luck with your harvest at the Lost Farm in Time!

lost_farm_in_time_instance_guide.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/20 00:50 by gemmaster