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Half Moon in the Daylight Enchanter Guide

This guide explains how to interact with the Temple Item Manager in Rachel, who allows you to enchant the Priest's Necklace with the power of the Goddess using Dream Fragments.

NPC Location

- Temple Item Manager:

  1. Location: Rachel (177, 139)

Enchanting the Priest's Necklace

1. Talk to the Temple Item Manager:

  1. The NPC explains the enchanting process for the Priest's Necklace. To proceed, you must have the following items:
    1. 1 Priest's Necklace (item ID: 28387)
    2. 100 Dream Fragments (item ID: 25088)
  2. Ensure that your weight is under 1000 and that you can carry the enchanted necklace.

2. Enchanting Options:

  1. The Temple Item Manager offers three different enchantments for your necklace, each related to a specific Goddess:
    1. Goddess of Justice: Physical attack boost.
    2. Goddess of Mercy: Magical attack boost.
    3. Goddess of Insight: Ranged attack boost.
  1. You will be asked whether you want to apply the enchantment on the left accessory or the right accessory slot.

3. Choose Your Enchantment:

  1. You can select either A Class (basic enchantment) or S Class (advanced enchantment). The cost for each option is:
    1. A Class: Requires 100 Dream Fragments.
    2. S Class: Requires 1000 Dream Fragments.

4. Enchanting Process:

  1. Once you select the enchantment and confirm, the Temple Item Manager will apply the enchantment to your Priest's Necklace.
  2. A special effect will indicate the successful enchantment process.

5. Upgrading the Enchantment:

  1. If you have an A Class enchanted necklace, you can further upgrade it to S Class using 1000 Dream Fragments. The S Class enchantment provides even more powerful benefits.

Important Notes

- You cannot enchant a necklace that already has an enchantment. If you attempt to enchant an already enchanted necklace, the NPC will notify you. - If you do not have enough Dream Fragments or the required items, the enchantment process will not proceed. - Make sure to bring the correct number of Dream Fragments for the desired enchantment.


Visit the Temple Item Manager in Rachel to enchant your Priest's Necklace with powerful abilities. Choose wisely between physical, magical, or ranged attack boosts and unlock the power of the Goddess!

half_moon_in_the_daylight_enchanter_guide.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/18 18:51 by gemmaster