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Ghost Palace Exchange Guide

This guide explains how to use the Dimension Traveler NPC to exchange Gray Shards for weapons, armor, or special items obtained from the Ghost Palace.

NPC Location

- Dimension Traveler:

  1. Location: dali02 (51, 130)

How to Use the Ghost Palace Exchange System

1. Talk to the Dimension Traveler:

  1. The NPC will greet you and ask if you want to exchange your Gray Shards for items.
  2. Gray Shards are the currency required to obtain various weapons, armor, or special items.

2. Select Exchange Type:

  1. You will be presented with the following options:
    1. Show me your weapon.: Exchange Gray Shards for weapons.
    2. Show me your armor.: Exchange Gray Shards for armor.
    3. Anything special?: Exchange Gray Shards for special items like cards and charcoals.
    4. I do not need.: Exit the dialogue without making an exchange.

3. Weapons Exchange:

  1. Selecting “Show me your weapon” will allow you to exchange 200 Gray Shards for powerful weapons, such as:
    1. Thanos Sword, Thanos Great Sword, Thanos Spear, Thanos Long Spear, Thanos Staff, Thanos Rod, Thanos Bow, Thanos Dagger, Thanos Katar, Thanos Knuckle, Thanos Hammer, Thanos Axe, Thanos Violin, Thanos Whip.
  2. Each weapon requires 200 Gray Shards.

4. Armor Exchange:

  1. Selecting “Show me your armor” allows you to exchange 100 Gray Shards for armor items, including:
    1. Shield of Gray, Armor of Gray, Gray Robe, Cloak of Gray, Boots of Gray, Gray Helmet.
  2. Each armor piece requires 100 Gray Shards.

5. Special Items Exchange:

  1. Selecting “Anything special?” allows you to exchange Gray Shards for special items such as:
    1. Knight Sakray Card (10,000 Gray Shards)
    2. Gray Charcoal (Melee, Magic, Range) (50 Gray Shards each)
  2. Special items are more expensive but offer unique effects.

6. Confirming the Exchange:

  1. After selecting an item, the NPC will display the required number of Gray Shards needed to complete the exchange.
  2. If you have enough Gray Shards in your inventory, the exchange will be completed, and you will receive the item.
  3. If you do not have enough Gray Shards, the NPC will inform you that you cannot proceed.

Important Notes

- Item Weight: Make sure your inventory is not full before attempting to exchange items. - Gray Shards Requirement: Ensure you have enough Gray Shards for the desired item. Each item has a specific shard cost. - Unique Items: Some special items, such as the Knight Sakray Card and Gray Charcoal, require a large number of shards but provide significant benefits.


Visit the Dimension Traveler in the Ghost Palace to exchange your Gray Shards for powerful weapons, armor, or unique items. Make sure you have collected enough shards to get the items you want!

ghost_palace_exchange_guide.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/18 19:23 by gemmaster