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Eclage Interior Instance Guide

The Eclage Interior Instance is part of the Eclage Episode 14.2 content. Players must navigate through the instance, dealing with enemies, making decisions, and advancing the storyline involving Mayor Shenime and the mysterious Orb.


  • Must be in a party.
  • Only the party leader can initiate the instance.
  • The party leader needs to speak to Chief of Staff to start the instance.

Starting the Instance

1. Talk to the Chief of Staff (ecl_hub01, 132, 12)

  1. The party leader must initiate the instance by speaking to the Chief of Staff NPC.
  2. If you are not the party leader, you will not be able to start the instance.

2. Choose to Enter

  1. If the instance is available, you will get an option to enter.
  2. Ensure your party is prepared for combat before proceeding.

3. Instance Cooldown

  1. The instance has a 20-minute cooldown period. If it has been less than 20 minutes since the last attempt, you must wait before entering again.

Inside the Instance

Once inside, follow these steps:

1. Confront Shenime

  1. You will encounter Shenime in the early part of the instance. After some dialogue, you will be teleported further into the dungeon.

2. Suspicious Creatures

  1. You will face waves of enemies known as Suspicious Creatures. These must be defeated to proceed.
  2. The creatures will appear in several locations around the map:
  • (51, 64)
  • (43, 67)
  • (55, 80)
  • (60, 75)
  1. Once all creatures are defeated, the instance will progress.

3. Subordinates of the King of Demons

  1. After defeating the Suspicious Creatures, you will face a new wave of monsters: Subordinates of the King of Demons.
  2. Defeat them to unlock the next part of the instance.

4. Shenime’s Deception

  1. As you progress, you will learn that Shenime has been manipulating events behind the scenes.
  2. You will need to confront him and deal with his betrayal.

Boss Fight: Avant and Shenime

Towards the end of the instance, you will face Avant and Shenime:

1. Dialogue with Avant

  1. After some interaction with Avant, the situation will escalate as you learn more about Shenime’s plan.

2. Confrontation with Shenime

  1. Shenime will eventually be revealed as a betrayer. He has been working with Morocc, and his goal was to use the power of the Orb.

Completing the Instance

1. Defeat the Final Enemies

  1. The final waves of monsters must be defeated to finish the instance.

2. Speak with Hisie

  1. At the end of the instance, you will speak with Hisie, who will clear your character’s name from accusations.

3. Exit the Instance

  1. Once the dialogue concludes, you will be teleported out of the instance.


  • Healing Items: Bring enough healing items, as you will face several waves of tough enemies.
  • Party Coordination: Ensure your party stays together to handle the monsters more effectively.
  • Cooldown: Be mindful of the 20-minute cooldown between instance runs.
eclage_interior_instance_guide.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/20 00:37 by gemmaster