Table of Contents

Villa of High Priest Instance Guide

The Villa of High Priest is part of the Episode 18 main quest. Players must navigate through the villa, interact with NPCs, and face various enemies. This guide will help you understand how to complete the instance.


Starting the Instance

1. Talk to Ira in oz_dun01 (219, 117):

  1. The party leader must speak to Ira to initiate the instance.
  2. Ensure that you and your party members are prepared for the instance.
  3. Ira will offer to guide you into the villa.

2. Instance Creation:

  1. Ira will check if you are the party leader and if your party is ready.
  2. Once the instance is created, you will be teleported into the villa.

Inside the Villa

Once inside the instance, follow these steps:

1. Dialogue and NPC Interaction:

  1. Interact with Miriam and Ira as they guide you through the villa.
  2. The NPCs will provide clues and story progression as you explore different rooms.

2. Navigating the Villa:

  1. You will encounter locked doors, requiring you to find keys from various NPCs and defeat monsters to progress.
  2. Be prepared to defeat Heart Hunters disguised as priests throughout the instance.

Boss Fight: Heart Hunter and Boss Encounters

1. Facing Heart Hunter Disguises:

  1. Several Heart Hunters disguised as priests will appear as mini-bosses. Defeat them to progress.
  2. These bosses will summon additional monsters during the fight.

2. Final Encounter: Yus Amal:

  1. The final encounter is against Yus Amal, who will summon Heart Hunters and Schulang to challenge you.
  2. Defeat all enemies to complete the instance.

Rewards and Exit

1. Claiming Rewards:

  1. After defeating the final bosses, speak with Miriam to receive your rewards and complete the instance.
  2. You will gain story progression and items as rewards.

2. Exit the Instance:

  1. After completing the quest and claiming your rewards, you can exit the instance.


Good luck completing the Villa of High Priest!