Table of Contents

Treasure Hunter Quests Guide

Welcome to the Treasure Hunter Quests guide! This guide will walk you through the process of becoming a Treasure Hunter, completing quests, and exchanging tokens for valuable items.

How to Become a Treasure Hunter

To start your journey as a Treasure Hunter, follow these steps:

Step 1: Talk to Guild Leader Keegan

Step 2: Save Your Progress with Ahlma

Step 3: Interact with Guild Members

Taking Quests

Once you're a member of the Treasure Hunter Guild, you can take on quests from the Quest Manager in the Guild House.

Step 1: Talk to the Quest Manager

Step 2: Complete the Quests

Treasure Hunter’s Shop

After collecting Treasure Tokens from quests, visit Ash at the Guild Shop to exchange your tokens for valuable items.

Step 1: Talk to Ash

Step 2: Exchange Tokens

Step 3: Purchase Rare Items

Completing Quests

Here are examples of how to complete different types of quests:

Collection Quest Example: Gathering Honey

Hunting Quest Example: Defeating Thief Bugs

Additional Information

Good luck on your journey as a Treasure Hunter!