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Nidhoggur's Nest Guide

Welcome to the Nidhoggur's Nest guide for GemstoneRO. This guide will help you understand how to access and navigate the Nidhoggur’s Nest instance, a challenging dungeon where powerful monsters and bosses await.


Nidhoggur's Nest is a memorial dungeon instance that players can access after meeting certain requirements. It’s an advanced dungeon for party play and offers challenging content for experienced players. The dungeon is filled with lore, powerful enemies, and valuable rewards.


Before entering Nidhoggur's Nest, you must meet the following conditions:

How to Access the Dungeon

1. Yggdrasil Gatekeeper The entrance to the Nidhoggur’s Nest instance is guarded by the Yggdrasil Gatekeeper, located in the nyd_dun02 map at coordinates (100, 201).

  1. Speak to the Gatekeeper to begin the instance.
  2. The party leader will have to ensure that all party members meet the entry requirements.

2. Instance Creation The party leader will be asked if they want to create the instance. Once the instance is created, the entire party will be teleported to the entrance of Nidhoggur’s Nest.

Inside the Dungeon

Once inside, your party will face various challenges and monsters. Be prepared for:

Special Features

- Cooldown System:

After completing or attempting the instance, there will be a **3-day cooldown** before you can re-enter. This is tracked through a quest system, so be sure to wait for the cooldown to expire before trying again.

- Party-based Entry:

Only the party leader can start the instance, and you must have at least 2 party members to enter. If you leave the party or don’t meet the level requirements, you won’t be able to participate.


Completing Nidhoggur’s Nest offers valuable rewards:

Tips for Success


Nidhoggur's Nest is one of the more challenging dungeons in GemstoneRO, offering a rewarding experience for players who enjoy teamwork and difficult boss fights. Be sure to meet the entry requirements, bring a strong party, and be prepared for the intense battles ahead!

Good luck, and may your party conquer the challenges of Nidhoggur's Nest!