Table of Contents

Maze of Oz Instance Guide

The Maze of Oz is part of Episode 18 and is a challenging instance where players must navigate through a labyrinth filled with traps, enemies, and puzzles. This guide will help you understand the steps to complete the instance and defeat the final boss.


Starting the Instance

1. Talk to Disguised Miriam in ra_fild10 (179, 176):

  1. The party leader must speak to Disguised Miriam to initiate the instance.
  2. Ensure your base level is 150 or higher. Solo players cannot enter the instance.

2. Quest Progression Check:

  1. You must have completed the necessary steps of the Episode 18 questline before you can enter the instance.
  2. If you are ready, select the option to enter the Maze of Oz.

Entering the Instance

1. Forming a Party:

  1. The party leader should ensure all members are in the party before entering.
  2. Miriam will check if you are the party leader and part of a formed party before allowing entry.

2. Instance Creation:

  1. Upon successful party formation, Miriam will create the instance, and you can enter the Maze of Oz.

Inside the Maze of Oz

Once inside, follow these steps:

1. Navigating the Labyrinth:

  1. The instance consists of multiple sections with puzzles, traps, and monsters.
  2. Follow Miriam, Mark, Maggi, and Tamarin as they provide clues and dialogue to help you progress.

2. Puzzle and Trap Areas:

  1. You will need to solve puzzles and avoid traps while navigating the labyrinth.
  2. Some sections require careful movement to avoid triggering traps or environmental hazards.

Encountering Monsters

1. Ash Toads and Rake Hands:

  1. Throughout the instance, you will face monsters like Ash Toad and Rake Hand.
  2. Defeat the monsters in each zone to proceed.

2. Boss Fights:

  1. The instance includes mini-bosses and a final boss, requiring coordinated efforts from the party.

Boss Fight: Final Battle

1. Defeating the Boss:

  1. After solving puzzles and clearing enemies, you will encounter the final boss of the instance.
  2. Work with your party to defeat the boss and complete the instance.

2. Rewards and Exit:

  1. After defeating the final boss, speak with Miriam and other NPCs to receive your rewards.
  2. Use the rope or other exit mechanisms to leave the instance.


Good luck navigating the Maze of Oz!