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Infinite Space Instance Guide

The Infinite Space instance is part of Episode 16.1 and offers both normal and hard modes. Players must navigate through numerous floors, each containing challenging enemies and bosses. This guide will help you understand the mechanics and complete the instance.


Starting the Instance

1. Talk to the Reckless Explorer in cmd_fild07 (58, 278):

  1. The party leader must speak to the Reckless Explorer to initiate the instance.
  2. If your base level is below 100, the NPC will not allow you to enter the instance.

2. Dialogue with the Reckless Explorer:

  1. The Reckless Explorer will ask if you’re part of the suppression squad. Select the appropriate dialogue options and agree to help her explore the Infinite Space.
  2. After some more dialogue, she will open the instance portal. Ensure your party is ready before proceeding.

Entering Infinite Space

1. Talk to the Temporary Entrance in cmd_fild07 (54, 280):

  1. The party leader must enter the instance with a party. Solo players are not allowed to proceed.
  2. Once inside, the instance will take place in 1@infi, and the Reckless Explorer will guide you.

The Infinite Space instance consists of 50 floors, each with different challenges.

1. Monster Floors:

  1. On each floor, you will encounter waves of monsters such as Suspicious Creatures and other enemies.
  2. Defeat all monsters to proceed to the next floor.

2. Warp to Next Floor:

  1. After clearing each floor, a warp NPC will appear to take you to the next floor.
  2. Floors 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 contain bosses and require more coordination.

Boss Floors

1. Boss on Every 10th Floor:

  1. Floors 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 have bosses that need to be defeated before progressing.
  2. For example, on floor 50, you will face the final boss of the instance.

2. Treasure Chests:

  1. After defeating a boss, treasure chests will spawn with rewards.
  2. In hard mode, the rewards are better but come with higher risks.

Hard Mode Option

1. Selecting Hard Mode:

  1. When speaking to the Reckless Explorer inside the instance (1@infi, 42, 8), you will have the option to proceed normally or choose the harder challenge.
  2. Choosing hard mode increases the difficulty and the number of rewards, including a higher chance of rare items.

2. Additional Mechanics:

  1. In hard mode, you have a chance to face additional bosses and rare mobs on each floor.

Final Boss: Floor 50

1. Defeating the Final Boss:

  1. Upon reaching floor 50, you will face the strongest boss of the instance.
  2. Defeat the boss to complete the instance and claim your rewards from the final treasure chest.

2. Exit the Instance:

  1. After defeating the final boss, speak to the Reckless Explorer to exit the instance and claim any additional rewards.


Good luck exploring the Infinite Space!