===== Werner Laboratory Central Room Instance Guide ===== **Location:** Talk to **Rookie** at **[slabw01, 236, 91]** to start the Werner Laboratory Central Room instance. **Requirements:** - You must have completed the **Terra Gloria main quest** to access this instance. - Base Level: **160** or higher. - The instance can be entered solo or as a party. **Cooldown:** After completing the instance, there is a **23-hour cooldown** before you can enter again. ===== Instance Walkthrough ===== The Werner Laboratory Central Room instance focuses on exploring the laboratory to uncover hidden secrets. Follow these steps to complete the instance: 1. **Starting the Instance** - Speak with **Rookie** to initiate the quest. He will offer to help blow up the suspicious gate, but **Skia** intervenes and activates the gate to the central room. - The party leader must select "Activate the gate" to begin the instance. 2. **Navigating the Central Room** - As you enter, you will face various enemies such as **Special Guards** (ID: 3622). Clear the enemies and progress through the laboratory by activating security devices and switches. 3. **Mid-boss Encounter - Security Device Battle** - You will encounter several security devices that need to be activated to unlock further areas. Defeat the guards and activate the switches to move forward. 4. **Final Boss Fight - Eisen Werner** - At the end of the instance, you will face **Eisen Werner** (ID: 4_M_EISEN). Eisen controls the laboratory and has powerful attacks that require coordination from your party to defeat. 5. **Completion** - After defeating Eisen Werner and reclaiming the items, you can exit the instance and receive your rewards. ===== Tips & Tricks ===== - **Party Setup:** A balanced party with a tank, healer, and DPS is recommended due to the number of enemies and strong bosses. - **Boss Strategy:** Eisen Werner has strong AoE attacks, so make sure to spread out and avoid taking heavy damage. - **Cooldown:** After completing the instance, you will need to wait 23 hours before entering again. Good luck in the Werner Laboratory Central Room!