====== Villa of High Priest Instance Guide ====== The **Villa of High Priest** is part of the **Episode 18** main quest. Players must navigate through the villa, interact with NPCs, and face various enemies. This guide will help you understand how to complete the instance. ===== Requirements ===== * Must have completed parts of the **Episode 18** main quest. * Must be in a party to start the instance. * Only the party leader can initiate the instance. ===== Starting the Instance ===== 1. **Talk to Ira in oz_dun01 (219, 117)**: - The party leader must speak to **Ira** to initiate the instance. - Ensure that you and your party members are prepared for the instance. - **Ira** will offer to guide you into the villa. 2. **Instance Creation**: - **Ira** will check if you are the party leader and if your party is ready. - Once the instance is created, you will be teleported into the villa. ===== Inside the Villa ===== Once inside the instance, follow these steps: 1. **Dialogue and NPC Interaction**: - Interact with **Miriam** and **Ira** as they guide you through the villa. - The NPCs will provide clues and story progression as you explore different rooms. 2. **Navigating the Villa**: - You will encounter locked doors, requiring you to find keys from various NPCs and defeat monsters to progress. - Be prepared to defeat **Heart Hunters** disguised as priests throughout the instance. ===== Boss Fight: Heart Hunter and Boss Encounters ===== 1. **Facing Heart Hunter Disguises**: - Several **Heart Hunters** disguised as priests will appear as mini-bosses. Defeat them to progress. - These bosses will summon additional monsters during the fight. 2. **Final Encounter: Yus Amal**: - The final encounter is against **Yus Amal**, who will summon **Heart Hunters** and **Schulang** to challenge you. - Defeat all enemies to complete the instance. ===== Rewards and Exit ===== 1. **Claiming Rewards**: - After defeating the final bosses, speak with **Miriam** to receive your rewards and complete the instance. - You will gain story progression and items as rewards. 2. **Exit the Instance**: - After completing the quest and claiming your rewards, you can exit the instance. ===== Tips ===== * **Team Coordination**: Work with your party to defeat waves of enemies and bosses. * **Key Management**: Pay attention to where keys are located to progress through locked doors. * **Cooldown**: After completing the instance, there may be a cooldown period before you can re-enter. Good luck completing the **Villa of High Priest**!