====== Thor Gunsu Base Instance Guide ====== The **Thor Gunsu Base** instance is part of **Episode 18** where players must infiltrate the Thor Military Base, avoid detection by guards, and battle soldiers to progress. This guide will help you navigate and complete the instance. ===== Requirements ===== * Base Level: 150 or higher. * Must be in a party. * Only the party leader can initiate the instance. ===== Starting the Instance ===== 1. **Talk to Maram in que_thr (133, 53)**: - The party leader must speak to **Maram** to initiate the instance. - Ensure your base level is 150 or higher. Solo players cannot enter the instance. 2. **Instance Creation**: - Maram will brief you about the mission: avoid detection by guards, disable security systems, and gather information from within the military base. - You will enter the **Thor Military Base** upon instance creation. ===== Inside Thor Gunsu Base ===== Once inside, follow these steps: 1. **Avoiding Guards and Watchtowers**: - As you explore the base, you must avoid the guards' line of sight and watchtowers. If you are detected, soldiers will appear and attack you. - If you are caught, you can regroup at the starting point. 2. **Disabling Security Systems**: - You will encounter **Lock Devices** throughout the base. Interact with these devices to disable security walls and progress deeper into the base. - Follow Maram’s instructions as he helps unlock areas for you. ===== Combat and Traps ===== 1. **Fighting Base Soldiers**: - The base is populated with **Base Soldiers** and **Thor Guards**. You must defeat these enemies to clear your path and proceed further. - Be cautious as the soldiers are well-armed and can deal significant damage. 2. **Trap Mechanics**: - Certain areas will trigger alarms when stepped on, spawning additional enemies. Avoid these traps when possible or be prepared for combat. ===== Gathering Information and Documents ===== 1. **Interacting with Piles of Documents**: - As part of the mission, you will need to find and interact with **Piles of Documents** scattered across the base. These documents contain crucial information about weapons sales and corruption within the Thor Military Base. - Collect at least five **Document Files** to complete this part of the mission. 2. **Returning the Documents**: - After collecting the documents, return to **Miriam** and **Maram** to analyze the findings. They will provide additional context and guide you to the next part of the mission. ===== Completing the Instance ===== 1. **Final Interaction with Maram and Miriam**: - Once you have gathered all the necessary documents and disabled security, return to **Maram** and **Miriam**. They will debrief you and provide your rewards. - You will be given **Amethyst Fragments** as part of your reward. 2. **Exit the Instance**: - After completing the mission, Maram will guide you out of the base and warp you to **Rachel** to continue the storyline. ===== Tips ===== * **Avoid Detection**: Stay out of the guards' line of sight to avoid unnecessary combat. * **Team Coordination**: Work closely with your party to disable traps and fight off soldiers. * **Cooldown**: After completing the instance, there is a cooldown period before you can re-enter. Good luck infiltrating the **Thor Gunsu Base**!