====== Thanatos Tower Custom Quest Guide ====== Welcome to the **Thanatos Tower Custom Quest**! Complete this challenging quest to navigate through the tower and interact with the mystical statues to progress to higher floors. ===== Quest Overview ===== * **Quest Name:** Thanatos Tower Custom Quest * **Objective:** Interact with various statues and spirits to progress through the floors of Thanatos Tower. * **Starting NPC:** Statue in Thanatos Tower (tha_t08, 69, 106) * **Requirements:** Various Magic Stones (Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green) * **Reward:** Access to higher floors of Thanatos Tower. ===== Quest Steps ===== ==== Step 1: Interact with the First Statue ==== * Location: Thanatos Tower 8F (tha_t08, 69, 106) * Dialogue: * The first statue gives you a cryptic message about the spirits of the tower. * You must follow the order of the statues to progress. ==== Step 2: Find Thalos and Mediane ==== * Thalos Location: Thanatos Tower 9F (tha_t09, 17, 158) * Dialogue: Thalos tells you to search for the second statue, Mediane. * Mediane Location: Thanatos Tower 9F (tha_t09, 84, 99) * Dialogue: Mediane will warp you to the next floor after confirming you’ve spoken to Thalos. ==== Step 3: Interact with Melkor, Zebrus, and Veriaelle ==== * Melkor Location: Thanatos Tower 10F (tha_t10, 130, 159) * Zebrus Location: Thanatos Tower 10F (tha_t10, 160, 98) * Veriaelle Location: Thanatos Tower 10F (tha_t10, 99, 97) * Each spirit will guide you towards the next, and Veriaelle will warp you to the next floor once you’ve interacted with all of them. ==== Step 4: Find Throtre, Klermaz, Mihane, and Seranes ==== * Throtre Location: Thanatos Tower 11F (tha_t11, 16, 85) * Klermaz Location: Thanatos Tower 11F (tha_t11, 85, 16) * Mihane Location: Thanatos Tower 11F (tha_t11, 16, 16) * Seranes Location: Thanatos Tower 11F (tha_t11, 85, 85) * Each spirit will confirm your progress. Once you’ve spoken to Seranes, you’ll be warped to the next floor. ==== Step 5: Collect Magic Stones ==== * You will need the following **Magic Stones** to progress: * **Red Magic Stone** (Item ID: 7426) * **Yellow Magic Stone** (Item ID: 7427) * **Blue Magic Stone** (Item ID: 7428) * **Green Magic Stone** (Item ID: 7429) * Once you have gathered all four stones, proceed to **Sox** on Thanatos Tower 12F (tha_t12, 128, 88). ==== Step 6: Hand Over the Magic Stones to Sox ==== * Sox Location: Thanatos Tower 12F (tha_t12, 128, 88) * Sox will ask for the four Magic Stones. If you have them all, he will warp you to the next area: **Steps of Fate**. ===== Important Notes ===== * Make sure to follow the correct order of statues to progress through the quest. * You must have all four **Magic Stones** to reach the final area. * If you fail to follow the order, you’ll need to start over from the beginning of the current floor. ===== Materials List ===== * **Red Magic Stone** (Item ID: 7426) * **Yellow Magic Stone** (Item ID: 7427) * **Blue Magic Stone** (Item ID: 7428) * **Green Magic Stone** (Item ID: 7429) ===== Quest Completion ===== Once you hand over the Magic Stones to Sox, you will be warped to the final area of the quest. Congratulations on completing the **Thanatos Tower Custom Quest**! ===== Additional Information ===== * The **Thanatos Tower Custom Quest** is designed for higher-level players and requires teamwork or strategic planning to complete. * Keep track of the statues and spirits to avoid resetting your progress.