===== Temple of the Demon God Instance Guide ===== **Location:** Talk to **Nidhogg** at **[moro_cav,41,73]** to start the **Temple of the Demon God** instance. **Requirements:** - Base Level: **140** or higher. - You must form a party before entering the instance. Use `/organize PARTYNAME` to create a party if you don't have one. **Cooldown:** After completing the instance, there is a **23-hour cooldown** before you can enter again. ===== Instance Walkthrough ===== The Temple of the Demon God instance is part of Episode 14.3 and is designed to stop Morroc’s resurrection. Follow the steps below: 1. **Starting the Instance** - Speak with **Nidhogg** at **[moro_cav,41,73]**. The party leader should select "Generate Time Gap" to begin. 2. **Entering the Instance** - Once the instance is activated, all party members can enter the temple by using the tree near **Nidhogg**. - Ensure you have the **Demon God Subjugation Quest** active. 3. **First Challenge - Defeat Morroc's Minions** - Inside the temple, you’ll face waves of **Morroc's Ghouls** (ID: 3001) and **Morroc's Archer Skeletons** (ID: 3003). - Clear all the enemies to proceed to the next phase. 4. **Mid-stage Encounter - The Apostle of Morroc** - After defeating the minions, you will encounter **Morroc’s Apostle Ahat** (ID: 3105) and **Shnaim** (ID: 3106). - Both Apostles need to be defeated to progress further into the temple. 5. **Final Boss - Demon God Morroc** - The final battle is against **Demon God Morroc** (ID: 3092). - Coordinate with your party to avoid his strong AoE attacks and defeat him. 6. **Completion** - After defeating Demon God Morroc, you can collect rewards such as **Temporal Crystals** and **Coagulated Spells** (Item IDs: 6607, 6608). ===== Tips & Tricks ===== - **Party Setup:** A tank, healer, and DPS are highly recommended due to the number of enemies and powerful bosses. - **Cooldown:** Remember that after completing the instance, you will need to wait 23 hours before entering again. - **Boss Strategy:** Demon God Morroc has powerful attacks, so it’s essential to avoid his AoE abilities and focus on coordinated team play. Good luck in your battle against the Demon God!