====== Sarah and Fenrir Instance Guide ====== The **Sarah and Fenrir** instance is a challenging event where players travel back in time to Glast Heim and face both **Sarah Irene** and **Fenrith Fenrir**. This guide will help you understand how to complete the instance and defeat the bosses. ===== Requirements ===== * Base Level: 145 or higher. * Must be in a party. * Only the party leader can initiate the instance. ===== Starting the Instance ===== 1. **Talk to Professor Bernhard in dali02 (97, 142)**: - The party leader must speak to **Professor Bernhard** to initiate the instance. - Ensure your base level is 145 or higher. Solo players cannot start the instance. 2. **Instance Creation**: - Professor Bernhard will set the Dimensional Device to Glast Heim of the past. - Make sure your party is ready before starting, as the instance has limited time. ===== Inside the Instance ===== Once inside, follow these steps: 1. **First Encounter: Mutant Galions**: - Upon entering, you will encounter waves of **Mutant Galions**. Defeat them to proceed further. - **Fenrith Fenrir** will assist you during the fight with his powerful magic attacks. 2. **Navigation and NPC Interaction**: - Follow **Fenrith Fenrir** as he provides assistance and clues throughout the instance. - Engage in dialogue with NPCs to unlock the next steps. ===== Boss Fight: Gigantes and Sarah Irene ===== 1. **Facing Gigantes**: - As you progress, you will encounter **Gigantes** that Sarah Irene summons. Defeat them with your party's coordination. - **Fenrith Fenrir** will help, but you must manage both the Gigantes and the additional monsters summoned by Sarah. 2. **Final Battle with Sarah Irene**: - The final encounter is against **Sarah Irene** herself. She uses powerful skills and continuously summons more monsters. - Coordinate with your party to defeat her while managing the additional enemies. ===== Rewards and Exit ===== 1. **Claim Rewards**: - After defeating Sarah Irene, return to **Professor Bernhard** to claim your reward. You will have the option to select one of **Sarah's Earrings**: * **Left Earring**: Usable for Heal Lv1. * **Right Earring**: Usable for Teleport Lv1. 2. **Exit the Instance**: - After completing the quest and claiming your reward, exit the instance via the portal or by speaking to the NPCs. ===== Tips ===== * **Team Coordination**: Work with your party to efficiently defeat both Gigantes and Sarah Irene. * **Healing Items**: Bring plenty of healing items, as the instance contains tough battles. * **Cooldown**: After completing the instance, there is a 1-week cooldown before you can re-enter. Good luck in your battle against Sarah and Fenrir!