====== Rock Ridge Enchantment System Guide ====== This guide explains how to use the **Contraband Processor** in Rock Ridge, an NPC that allows players to enchant and reset contraband equipment using **Rock Ridge Coins**. ===== NPC Location ===== - **Contraband Processor**: - **Location**: har_in01 (17, 74) ===== How to Use the Rock Ridge Enchantment System ===== 1. **Talk to the Contraband Processor**: - The NPC handles contraband items purchased with **Rock Ridge Coins**. - You can either enchant these items or reset their enchantment levels. 2. **Enchantment Options**: - You can choose to: - **Enchant contraband items**: Add enchantments to specific armor, garments, and accessories. - **Reset contraband item enchantment level**: Reset the enchantments, with a risk of destroying the item. 3. **Supported Equipment**: - The following contraband equipment can be enchanted or reset: - **Armor**: - Vigilante Suit, Elemental Robe, Golden Ninja Suit, Mine Worker's Vest, Hippie Clothes - **Garment**: - Elemental Cape, Golden Scarf, Mine Worker's Backpack - **Accessory**: - Vigilante Badge, Hippie Feather 4. **Enchanting Process**: - Each enchantment or reset costs **2 Rock Ridge Coins**. - Depending on the item and its refinement level, you can unlock up to 3 sockets for armor and garments and up to 2 sockets for accessories. - If the item is refined to +9 or higher, higher-level enchantments may be available. 5. **Resetting Enchantments**: - Resetting an item’s enchantment can result in the destruction of the item, especially for accessories. The chance of destruction is around **30% for armor/garments** and **45% for accessories**. 6. **Failure Risk**: - If an item is destroyed during the reset process, all its enchantments and the item itself will be lost. - Enchantments can add various stats such as **Agility**, **Strength**, **Critical Hit**, **Dexterity**, **Evasion**, **Defense**, and others, based on a random chance. ===== Important Notes ===== - **Weight Limit**: Ensure your weight is below the limit, or the NPC will not allow you to proceed. - **Zeny and Coin Requirement**: Make sure you have enough **Zeny** and **Rock Ridge Coins** for enchanting or resetting. - **Item Destruction Risk**: Resetting enchantments carries the risk of destroying the item. ===== Conclusion ===== Visit the **Contraband Processor** in Rock Ridge to enchant or reset your contraband items and unlock their full potential. Be aware of the risks involved and bring enough Rock Ridge Coins to cover the costs.