====== Renters and Mado Gear NPCs Guide ====== This guide explains how to use the **Dragon Breeder**, **Riding Creature Master**, **Peco Peco Remover**, and **Mado Gear Armorer** NPCs to rent or manage riding creatures and Mado Gears in the game. ===== NPC Locations and Services ===== 1. **Dragon Breeder (Rune Knight Dragon Rental)**: - **Location**: job3_rune01 (88, 62) - **Service**: Rent a Dragon for Rune Knights. - To rent a Dragon: - Must be a **Rune Knight**. - Must have the **Riding** skill. - No cash mount or Dragon already summoned. 2. **Riding Creature Master (Rune Knight Dragon and Royal Guard Gryphon Rental)**: - **Locations**: - Prontera (127, 210) - Geffen (100, 55) - Payon (166, 102) - Aldebaran (133, 109) - Yuno (171, 187) - Rachel (106, 130) - **Service**: Rent a Dragon for Rune Knights or a Gryphon for Royal Guards. - To rent a Dragon or Gryphon: - Must be a **Rune Knight** (for Dragon) or **Royal Guard** (for Gryphon). - Must have the **Riding** skill. - No cash mount or Dragon/Gryphon already summoned. 3. **Peco Peco Remover (Peco Peco Dismount Service)**: - **Location**: Prontera (125, 208) - **Service**: Dismount from a Peco Peco if you are stuck. - To dismount: - Must be riding a **Peco Peco**. 4. **Mado Gear Armorer (Mechanic Pushcart and Mado Gear Rental)**: - **Locations**: - Prontera (163, 178) - Geffen (103, 55) - Payon (166, 106) - Aldebaran (133, 112) - Yuno (167, 187) - Rachel (106, 134) - Dicastes01 (187, 207) - Manuk (273, 212) - Splendide (180, 174) - Mid Camp (242, 243) - **Service**: Rent a Pushcart, ride a Mado Gear, buy Emergency Mado Gear, or upgrade Cooling Devices. - To ride a Mado Gear: - Must be a **Mechanic**. - Must have the **Mado Gear License** skill. - No cash mount or Mado Gear already summoned. - **Emergency Mado Gear**: Purchase for **1,000,000 Zeny**. - **Upgrade Cooling Devices**: - Upgrade **Cooling Device** to **High Quality Cooler** for **1 Cooling Device** and **2,000,000 Zeny**. - Upgrade **High Quality Cooler** to **Special Cooler** for **1 High Quality Cooler** and **4,000,000 Zeny**. ===== How to Rent a Dragon or Gryphon ===== 1. **Talk to the Dragon Breeder or Riding Creature Master**: - The NPC will greet you and ask if you want to rent a Dragon or Gryphon. 2. **Check Requirements**: - You must be a Rune Knight or Royal Guard and have the required **Riding** skill. Ensure you are not already using a cash mount or have a Dragon/Gryphon summoned. 3. **Confirm the Rental**: - Select **Yes** to rent the mount, and the NPC will summon the Dragon or Gryphon for you. ===== How to Dismount a Peco Peco ===== 1. **Talk to the Peco Peco Remover**: - The NPC will check if you are riding a Peco Peco and ask if you want to dismount. 2. **Confirm Dismount**: - Select **Yes**, and the NPC will remove the Peco Peco, allowing you to move freely again. ===== How to Rent a Mado Gear or Pushcart ===== 1. **Talk to the Mado Gear Armorer**: - The NPC will ask if you want to rent a Pushcart or ride a Mado Gear. 2. **Check Requirements**: - You must be a **Mechanic** with the **Mado Gear License** skill and not be using a cash mount or Mado Gear already. 3. **Confirm the Rental**: - Select the desired option, and the NPC will provide the Pushcart or summon the Mado Gear for you. 4. **Purchase Emergency Mado Gear**: - The NPC offers **Emergency Mado Gear** for **1,000,000 Zeny** if needed. Ensure you have enough Zeny for the purchase. 5. **Upgrade Cooling Devices**: - The NPC can upgrade your **Cooling Device** or **High Quality Cooler** for Zeny and the appropriate materials. ===== Important Notes ===== - **Skill Requirements**: You need the **Riding** or **Mado Gear License** skills to rent the respective mounts. - **Zeny Costs**: Ensure you have enough Zeny for purchases or upgrades. - **Mount Restrictions**: You cannot rent a Dragon, Gryphon, or Mado Gear if you already have a cash mount active. ===== Conclusion ===== Visit the **Dragon Breeder**, **Riding Creature Master**, **Peco Peco Remover**, or **Mado Gear Armorer** NPCs to rent or manage your mounts. Make sure you meet the skill requirements and have enough Zeny for any purchases or upgrades!