====== Regenschirm Instance Guide ====== The **Regenschirm** instance is part of **Episode 17.1**, where players are tasked with navigating through an experimental facility. This guide will help you understand the steps to successfully complete the instance and progress through the story. ===== Requirements ===== * Base Level: 150 or higher. * Must be in a party. * Only the party leader can initiate the instance. ===== Starting the Instance ===== 1. **Talk to Aas in sp_cor (coordinates)**: - Speak to **Aas** to begin the mission. Ensure your party is ready before starting. 2. **Instance Creation**: - Aas will create the instance once the party leader initiates it. You will be transported into the **Regenschirm** facility. ===== Inside the Regenschirm Facility ===== 1. **Follow Instructions**: - Inside, NPCs like **Aas** and **Est** will give you instructions on how to progress through the facility. - Expect to encounter security guards, scientists, and experimental subjects along the way. 2. **Accessing Areas**: - Certain areas are blocked by security systems. You’ll need to interact with the **Access Controllers** and other NPCs to unlock doors and proceed. ===== Rescue and Combat ===== 1. **Rescuing Researchers**: - Throughout the instance, you will need to rescue detained researchers. Speak to them as you encounter them, and they will follow your lead. 2. **Defeating Guards and Specimens**: - Be prepared to fight **Special Guards**, **Poisonous Gas**, and **Failed Specimens** as you move deeper into the facility. ===== Boss Fight: Failed Specimen ===== 1. **Summoning the Boss**: - After making progress, you will eventually summon the boss, **Failed Specimen**. - The boss will appear in the central room. Be ready for a tough fight, as the boss has powerful abilities. 2. **Defeating the Failed Specimen**: - Work with your party to defeat the **Failed Specimen**. Use teamwork and strategy to avoid its devastating attacks. ===== Completing the Instance ===== 1. **Final Conversation with Aas**: - After defeating the boss, meet **Aas** and other NPCs in the central room to wrap up the instance and receive rewards. 2. **Exit the Instance**: - Once the mission is complete, you can choose to warp out to **Einbroch** or **Lighthalzen**. ===== Tips ===== * **Party Coordination**: Make sure your party stays together to efficiently defeat enemies and unlock areas. * **Healing Items**: Bring enough healing items, as there are many challenging fights in this instance. * **Cooldown**: The instance has a cooldown period before you can attempt it again. Good luck on your mission to navigate the **Regenschirm** facility!