====== Poring Village Instance Guide ====== The **Poring Village** is an instance where players explore the Poring Village, battle various poring-themed monsters, and interact with NPCs for enchanting and rewards. This guide will help you understand how to complete the instance. ===== Requirements ===== * Base Level: 30-60 to interact with Emily. * Must be in a party to start the instance. * Only the party leader can initiate the instance. ===== Starting the Instance ===== 1. **Talk to Emily in prt_fild05 (145, 235)**: - If your base level is between 30 and 60, speak to **Emily** to start the instance. - Emily will propose an adventure where you split the rewards 50-50 after some negotiation. 2. **Instance Creation**: - The party leader must create the instance by selecting **"Create the entrance"** when speaking with Emily. - After the entrance is created, the party can enter the **Poring Village** instance. ===== Inside the Poring Village ===== Once inside, you will encounter various monsters and engage in multiple events. 1. **Defeating Poring Monsters**: - Clear waves of **Poring**, **Poporing**, **Drops**, **Marin**, and **Goldring** monsters across several areas. - Keep an eye on the dialogue with **Emily**, who provides guidance and reacts to the progress. 2. **Boss Fights**: - After clearing each wave of monsters, you will face mini-bosses such as **Goldring** and eventually the final boss, **King Poring**. - During the boss fights, Emily will give you warnings and instructions about the upcoming challenges. ===== Boss Fight: King Poring ===== 1. **Final Battle**: - The final boss is **King Poring**, who will spawn additional Porings to attack your party. - Work with your team to defeat King Poring and the minions. 2. **Emily's Help**: - Emily will assist during the instance, offering items and advice as you progress. ===== Rewards and Exit ===== 1. **Veggie Enchanting**: - After completing the instance, you can use **Veggie Enchanter** at prt_fild05 (174, 238) to enchant special items like **PoringTownOnion** or **PoringTownCarrot** using 50 Jellopies and 20,000 Zeny. 2. **First Visit Reward**: - On your first visit, Emily will reward you with either a **PoringTownOnion** or **PoringTownCarrot**. - You will also receive a **PoringsPreciousBox** after completing the instance, which contains valuable rewards. 3. **Exiting the Instance**: - After collecting your rewards, speak with Emily, and she will warp you out of the instance. ===== Tips ===== * **Level Range**: Ensure your level is within 30-60 to interact with Emily and start the instance. * **Team Coordination**: Work together with your party to defeat waves of enemies and the final boss efficiently. * **Enchanting Items**: Don’t forget to use the **Veggie Enchanter** to enhance your green onion or carrot with special effects after the instance. Good luck exploring the Poring Village and defeating King Poring!