====== Octopus Cave Instance Guide ====== The **Octopus Cave** instance is a part of the rAthena project where players must defeat the **Disgusting Octopus** and his minions. This guide will walk you through the steps to successfully complete the instance. ===== Requirements ===== * Base Level: 130 or higher. * Must be in a party. * Only the party leader can initiate the instance. ===== Starting the Instance ===== 1. **Talk to Starfish in mal_dun01 (151, 235)**: - The party leader must speak to **Starfish** to initiate the instance. - Ensure your party is formed before starting. Solo players cannot enter. 2. **Instance Creation**: - Starfish will check if you are the party leader. If your party meets the requirements, Starfish will open the **Octopus Cave** instance. - You will need a special pick to enter, so make sure you have one ready. ===== Inside the Octopus Cave ===== Once inside the instance, you will encounter several challenges: 1. **Octopus Legs**: - Defeat the **Octopus Legs** scattered throughout the cave. There are four key areas where the legs appear: * Leg 1: (20, 114) * Leg 2: (88, 190) * Leg 3: (307, 215) * Leg 4: (372, 131) - Defeating the legs in these areas will allow you to progress. 2. **Octopus Henchmen**: - After dealing with the legs, you will encounter waves of **Octopus Henchmen**. - Be prepared to clear several waves before facing the boss. ===== Boss Fight: Disgusting Octopus ===== 1. **Final Battle**: - The **Disgusting Octopus** will appear as the final boss of the instance. - During the fight, the Octopus will spawn additional legs and henchmen to attack your party. Defeat them while focusing on the boss. 2. **Defeating the Boss**: - Coordinate with your party to defeat the Octopus. Be cautious of its powerful attacks and constant summoning of additional enemies. ===== Completing the Instance ===== 1. **Return to Starfish**: - After defeating the Disgusting Octopus, return to **Starfish** to complete the instance and collect your rewards. 2. **Exit the Instance**: - Use the exit portals or speak to the Starfish to leave the instance after claiming your rewards. ===== Tips ===== * **Teamwork**: Coordinate with your party to manage the waves of enemies and the boss. * **Healing**: Bring plenty of healing items, as the fight with the Disgusting Octopus can be challenging. * **Cooldown**: After completing the instance, there will be a cooldown period before you can re-enter. Good luck on your quest to defeat the Disgusting Octopus!