====== Malangdo Enchant System Guide ====== This guide explains how to use the **Malangdo Enchanter**, an NPC who offers enchantments for high-level weapons in exchange for **Malangdo Coins**. The enchantments are available for luxury and high-class weapons, including level 4 weapons. ===== NPC Location ===== - **Enchanter NPC: Mayomayo**: - **Location**: Malangdo (213, 167) ===== How to Use the Malangdo Enchanter ===== 1. **Talk to Mayomayo**: - Mayomayo can enchant a variety of high-level weapons. - You can also initialize (reset) enchantments using **Silvervine Fruit**. - You need to have the weapon equipped to be eligible for enchantment. 2. **Enchantment Options**: - Select from the following options: - **Enchant High Ranked Weapon**: Use Malangdo Coins to enchant your weapon. - **Initialize Enchant (Need Silvervine Fruit)**: Remove existing enchantments without affecting the refinement level or slotted cards. 3. **Conditions for Enchantment**: - Only specific high-level and luxury weapons can be enchanted, including level 4 weapons. - You must have sufficient **Malangdo Coins** to proceed with the enchantment. - The enchantment process will not destroy your weapon, and it will not affect any refinement levels or slotted cards. 4. **Weapons Eligible for Enchantment**: - Mayomayo can enchant various types of weapons, such as: - Daggers (e.g., Sword Breaker, Azoth) - Katars (e.g., Blood Tears, Wild Beast Claw) - Swords (e.g., Ice Falchion, Excalibur) - Axes (e.g., Cleaver, Great Axe) - Spears (e.g., Longinus's Spear, Hunting Spear) - Staves (e.g., Wizardry Staff, Mental Stick) - Bows (e.g., Bow of Roguemaster, Ixion Wing) - And many moreā€¦ 5. **Enchantment Costs**: - The cost for enchanting varies based on the grade of **Malangdo Coins** used: - **E-Grade Coin**: Lower level enchantments. - **D-Grade Coin**: Mid-level enchantments. - **C-Grade Coin**: Higher level enchantments. - **B-Grade Coin**: Advanced enchantments. - **A-Grade Coin** and **Anger of Seagod**: High-end enchantments with specific bonuses. 6. **Silvervine Fruit for Initialization**: - You can remove enchantments from your weapon without affecting its refinement or slotted cards by using **Silvervine Fruit**. - This option allows you to reset the enchantment and apply new ones if desired. ===== Important Notes ===== - **Weight Limit**: Ensure that your inventory is not overweight, as the process will fail if you exceed the weight limit. - **Refinement and Cards**: Enchantments do not affect the refinement levels or slotted cards in your weapon. - **Risk of Failure**: While the enchantment process does not destroy your weapon, failing to enchant correctly may result in weaker enchantments or less desirable effects. ===== Conclusion ===== The **Malangdo Enchant System** offers a variety of powerful enhancements for high-level weapons. Visit **Mayomayo** in Malangdo to upgrade your equipment using **Malangdo Coins** or reset enchantments with **Silvervine Fruit** for a fresh start.