====== Malangdo Costume Enchanter Guide ====== This guide explains how to use the **Costume Exchange and Enchantment** services in **Malangdo** to enhance your costumes with special enchantments. You can exchange specific costumes for **Enchant Stone Boxes** and apply enchantments to your costumes. ===== NPCs and Locations ===== 1. **Designer Heidam (Costume Exchange)** - **Location**: mal_in01 (20, 124) - Heidam allows players to exchange costumes for **Enchant Stone Boxes**, which contain stones for enchanting. 2. **Aver De Dosh (Costume Enchant)** - **Location**: mal_in01 (22, 113) - Aver De Dosh provides enchantment services for costumes, allowing players to apply powerful stones to their headgear. ===== Costume Exchange with Designer Heidam ===== 1. **Talk to Designer Heidam**: - Heidam offers costume exchanges in return for a **random Enchant Stone Box**. - Select the option to exchange your costume for an enchantment box. 2. **Exchange Process**: - Heidam will check if you have the required costume items. - If you have a valid item, Heidam will offer to exchange it for an **Enchant Stone Box** (e.g., Enchant Stone Box 4-21). 3. **Available Costumes for Exchange**: - Designer Heidam can exchange various costumes such as: - **C_Chick_Hat** - **C_J_Captain_Hat** - **C_White_Cat_Hood** - **C_Sword_Master_Crown** - **C_Robo_Eye** - ...and many more. 4. **Completion**: - After selecting the item to exchange, Heidam will give you an Enchant Stone Box. These boxes contain stones that you can use for further enchantments. ===== Enchanting Costumes with Aver De Dosh ===== 1. **Talk to Aver De Dosh**: - Aver De Dosh will allow you to apply enchantments to your costume headgear. - You must bring your own **costume and costume stones** for the enchantment process. 2. **Selecting the Enchantment Slot**: - Depending on your costume, you can enchant the **Upper**, **Middle**, or **Lower** parts of your headgear. - Enchanting the **Upper Slot** allows stones like STRStone_Top, AGIStone_Top, and HealStone_Top. - Enchanting the **Middle Slot** allows stones like MATKStone_Middle, AGIStone_Middle, and LUKStone_Middle. - Enchanting the **Lower Slot** offers different enchantment possibilities. 3. **Enchantment Process**: - If you have enough space in your inventory and carry the required items, Aver De Dosh will proceed with the enchantment. - Different stones offer various stat bonuses, such as increased STR, AGI, INT, VIT, DEX, LUK, or special abilities like critical damage, healing, and casting speed reduction. 4. **Important Items for Enchantment**: - **Costume Stones**: These are the stones you need for enchanting. - **Enchant Stone Boxes**: These boxes contain random stones that can be applied to costumes. 5. **Completion**: - After selecting and applying the desired enchantment, the stone will be used, and your costume will receive the bonus. ===== Important Notes ===== - **Inventory Space**: Ensure you have enough inventory space when exchanging costumes or applying enchantments. - **Custom Stones**: Some stones are specific to certain headgear slots (Upper, Middle, Lower). - **Variety of Stones**: There are numerous stones available with different effects. Explore various stones to enhance your character’s performance. ===== Conclusion ===== Visit **Designer Heidam** and **Aver De Dosh** in Malangdo to exchange your costumes for enchantment stones and apply powerful bonuses to your headgear. Collect enough materials and enjoy the benefits of enhanced costumes!