====== Infinite Space Merchants Guide ====== This guide explains how to use the merchants and enchanters in the **Infinite Space** dungeon, providing items, equipment, and enchantments. Players can purchase, enchant, and initialize equipment using the provided services. ===== Merchants and Services ===== 1. **Emergency Food Merchant**: - **Location**: cmd_fild07 (63, 268) - **Service**: Sells rations and consumables. - **Dialogue**: "I have a lot of stuff over here, of course, not for free." - Offers a variety of food and potions to sustain players on their journey. 2. **Ruins Black Trader (Warp Scroll Seller)**: - **Location**: cmd_fild07 (375, 167) - **Service**: Sells warp scrolls to return to the entrance of the ruins. - **Cost**: 20,000 Zeny per scroll. - **Dialogue**: "Hey, isn't it hard to walk in and out of here every time? For just 20,000 Zeny, you can have a scroll that will take you directly to the entrance of the ruins." 3. **Artifact Appraiser (Equipment Shop)**: - **Location**: cmd_fild07 (57, 275) - **Service**: Sells weapons and armor in exchange for specific materials. - **Cost**: 50 stones for each item. - **Dialogue**: "Choose the type of equipment you want to purchase. You can buy as long as you have enough materials." 4. **Artifact Enhancer (Equipment Enchanter)**: - **Location**: cmd_fild07 (60, 275) - **Service**: Enhances equipment obtained in the Infinite Space. - **Materials Needed**: Requires a specific number of stones for enchantment. - **Dialogue**: "I can reinforce the equipment you got from the Infinite Space. I can only enchant the 3rd and 4th slots." ===== How to Enchant Equipment ===== 1. **Talk to the Artifact Enhancer**: - Select the option **Enchant equipment** to proceed with upgrading your equipment. - The NPC can only enchant items obtained from the Infinite Space, specifically in the 3rd and 4th slots. 2. **Initialization of Enchantments**: - If you wish to reset the enchantments, select **Initialize equipment’s enchant**. - Note: There is a risk of destroying the equipment during the initialization process. 3. **Cost of Enchantments**: - Enchantments and initialization cost specific materials (e.g., stones obtained from the Infinite Space). Make sure you have enough in your inventory. ===== Important Notes ===== - **Weight Limit**: Ensure your inventory is not overloaded, as merchants and enchanters will not proceed if you have too many items. - **Materials Requirement**: Make sure you have the required materials (stones) for purchasing or enchanting items. - **Equipment Type**: Only specific equipment from the Infinite Space can be enchanted. The enchanter will notify you if your equipment is not suitable for enchantment. ===== Conclusion ===== Explore the **Infinite Space** and visit the merchants to purchase items, equipment, and enhance your gear. Make sure to collect the necessary materials to fully benefit from the services they offer!