===== Horror Toy Factory Instance Guide ===== **Location:** Talk to **Catherine Jet Johnson** at **[xmas, 237, 303]** to start the Horror Toy Factory instance. **Requirements:** - Base Level: **140** or higher. - You must form a party before entering the instance. Use `/organize PARTYNAME` to create a party. **Cooldown:** After completing the instance, there is a **23-hour cooldown** before you can enter again. ===== Instance Walkthrough ===== Horror Toy Factory is a spooky dungeon filled with animated toys and evil creatures. Follow the steps below to complete the instance: 1. **Starting the Instance** - Speak with **Catherine Jet Johnson** to get the backstory of the toy factory and learn about **Celine Kimi**, a doll that came to life after her maker died. - The party leader should initiate the instance by selecting "Unlock Horror Toy Factory" to begin. 2. **Entering the Factory** - After the instance is created, all party members can enter the Horror Toy Factory. You will first encounter enemies like **Vicious Cookie** (ID: 2989) and **Evil Dwelling Box** (ID: 2991). 3. **Navigating the Factory** - As you progress through the factory, you will encounter more enemies, including **Abandoned Teddy Bears** (ID: 2995) and **Creepy Demons** (ID: 2992). Clear each wave to unlock further areas of the factory. 4. **Mid-boss Encounter - Antonio** - In the middle of the factory, you will face **Antonio** (ID: 2988). Defeat him to proceed deeper into the factory. 5. **Final Boss Fight - Celine Kimi** - The final boss is **Celine Kimi** (ID: 2996), a powerful doll who now haunts the factory. Coordinate with your party to avoid her strong attacks and defeat her to complete the instance. 6. **Completion** - Once Celine Kimi is defeated, you will receive rewards and can exit the instance through the portal. ===== Tips & Tricks ===== - **Party Setup:** A tank, healer, and DPS are highly recommended due to the large number of enemies and powerful bosses. - **Boss Strategy:** Celine Kimi has strong AoE attacks, so spread out and focus on coordinated damage to bring her down. - **Cooldown:** Remember that after completing the instance, you will need to wait 23 hours before entering again. Good luck in the Horror Toy Factory!