====== Hero Token Exchanger and Hero Ring Enchanter Guide ====== This guide explains how to use the **Hero Token Exchanger** and **Expert Enchanter Byrnes** NPCs in **Morroc's Caverns** to exchange Hero Tokens for the Hero Ring and enchant it with powerful bonuses. ===== NPC Locations ===== 1. **Hero Token Exchanger** - **Location**: Morroc Caverns (32, 73) - This NPC allows players to exchange **Hero Tokens** for a **Hero Ring**. 2. **Expert Enchanter Byrnes** - **Location**: Morroc Caverns (34, 65) - Byrnes offers to enchant the Hero Ring, adding up to four enchantments or resetting them for a fee. ===== How to Obtain the Hero Ring ===== 1. **Talk to the Hero Token Exchanger**: - The NPC will offer to exchange **30 Hero Tokens** for a **Hero Ring**. - Select **Exchange with the ring** if you have the required tokens. 2. **Ring Description**: - The Hero Ring is a special accessory designed for those fighting against **Morocc**. While it may not seem impressive at first, the true power of the ring is unlocked when you take it to **Expert Enchanter Byrnes** for enchantment. 3. **Exchange Process**: - If you have at least 30 Hero Tokens, the NPC will exchange them for 1 Hero Ring. - If you don't have enough tokens, the NPC will remind you that the Hero Ring is a reward for brave warriors who have fought Morocc. ===== How to Enchant the Hero Ring ===== 1. **Talk to Expert Enchanter Byrnes**: - Byrnes can enchant your Hero Ring, adding powerful abilities to it. The ring must be equipped to proceed with the enchantment. 2. **Select the Enchantment Slot**: - Depending on the current enchantments on your ring, you will be able to add enchantments to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th slot. - The enchantments available for each slot are: - **4th Slot**: DEF or MDEF - **3rd Slot**: Max HP or Max SP - **2nd Slot**: Atk or MAtk - **1st Slot**: STR, INT, AGI, VIT, DEX, or LUK 3. **Choose the Enchantment**: - Byrnes will offer a variety of enchantments to choose from, based on the slot you are enchanting. - Once you make your choice, the enchantment will be applied to the ring, and Byrnes will notify you of the completion. 4. **Enchantment Completion**: - If the ring is successfully enchanted, a special effect will indicate the completion. Your Hero Ring will now possess additional stats, boosting your combat abilities. ===== How to Reset Hero Ring Enchantments ===== 1. **Talk to Byrnes to Reset Enchantments**: - If you wish to reset the enchantments on your Hero Ring, you can do so for a fee of **3 Hero Tokens**. - Select the **Reset Enchantments** option. 2. **Reset Process**: - Byrnes will reset the enchantments on your equipped Hero Ring, removing all previously applied stats. - After resetting, the ring will be returned to you without any enchantments. ===== Important Notes ===== - **Hero Tokens Requirement**: You need **30 Hero Tokens** to obtain the Hero Ring and **3 Hero Tokens** to reset enchantments. - **Enchantment Slots**: The Hero Ring can hold up to four enchantments, and each slot unlocks different types of bonuses. - **Inventory and Weight**: Make sure you have enough inventory space and that your weight limit is not exceeded when exchanging or enchanting items. ===== Conclusion ===== Visit the **Hero Token Exchanger** in **Morroc Caverns** to exchange your Hero Tokens for a **Hero Ring**, and take it to **Expert Enchanter Byrnes** to unlock its full potential with powerful enchantments. Collect tokens by fighting Morocc and enhancing your Hero Ring to gain significant combat advantages!