====== Half Moon in the Daylight Enchanter Guide ====== This guide explains how to interact with the **Temple Item Manager** in Rachel, who allows you to enchant the **Priest's Necklace** with the power of the Goddess using **Dream Fragments**. ===== NPC Location ===== - **Temple Item Manager**: - **Location**: Rachel (177, 139) ===== Enchanting the Priest's Necklace ===== 1. **Talk to the Temple Item Manager**: - The NPC explains the enchanting process for the **Priest's Necklace**. To proceed, you must have the following items: - **1 Priest's Necklace** (item ID: 28387) - **100 Dream Fragments** (item ID: 25088) - Ensure that your weight is under 1000 and that you can carry the enchanted necklace. 2. **Enchanting Options**: - The Temple Item Manager offers three different enchantments for your necklace, each related to a specific Goddess: - **Goddess of Justice**: Physical attack boost. - **Goddess of Mercy**: Magical attack boost. - **Goddess of Insight**: Ranged attack boost. - You will be asked whether you want to apply the enchantment on the left accessory or the right accessory slot. 3. **Choose Your Enchantment**: - You can select either **A Class** (basic enchantment) or **S Class** (advanced enchantment). The cost for each option is: - **A Class**: Requires **100 Dream Fragments**. - **S Class**: Requires **1000 Dream Fragments**. 4. **Enchanting Process**: - Once you select the enchantment and confirm, the Temple Item Manager will apply the enchantment to your **Priest's Necklace**. - A special effect will indicate the successful enchantment process. 5. **Upgrading the Enchantment**: - If you have an **A Class** enchanted necklace, you can further upgrade it to **S Class** using 1000 Dream Fragments. The **S Class** enchantment provides even more powerful benefits. ===== Important Notes ===== - You cannot enchant a necklace that already has an enchantment. If you attempt to enchant an already enchanted necklace, the NPC will notify you. - If you do not have enough **Dream Fragments** or the required items, the enchantment process will not proceed. - Make sure to bring the correct number of Dream Fragments for the desired enchantment. ===== Conclusion ===== Visit the **Temple Item Manager** in Rachel to enchant your **Priest's Necklace** with powerful abilities. Choose wisely between physical, magical, or ranged attack boosts and unlock the power of the Goddess!