====== Emperium Seller Guide ====== This guide explains how to use the **Emperium Seller**, an NPC that allows players to purchase the essential item **Emperium** used for guild formation. The seller has specific operating hours and a limited supply each day. ===== NPC Location ===== - **Guild Clerk**: - **Location**: Prontera (prt_in 212, 169) ===== Emperium Seller Operating Hours ===== - The **Guild Clerk** sells Emperium from: - **Monday to Saturday** - **18:00 to 23:59** (server time) - The NPC does not operate on Sundays or outside the listed hours, as the guild office must manage Emperium distribution outside of these times. ===== How to Buy Emperium ===== 1. **Talk to the Guild Clerk** during the specified hours (18:00 to 23:59, Monday to Saturday): - The NPC will welcome you and offer Emperium for sale. 2. **Purchase Emperium**: - The **Guild Clerk** offers **100 Emperium** for sale each day, with a price of **1,000,000 Zeny per Emperium**. - You can buy as many as you want, but the daily limit is **100 Emperium** in total. 3. **Availability**: - The Guild Clerk announces that many adventurers seek Emperium, so it might sell out quickly. Be sure to visit early during the operating hours to secure your purchase. ===== Important Notes ===== - The Guild Clerk operates only from **18:00 to 23:59**, and on **Monday to Saturday**. - A maximum of **100 Emperium** is available for purchase each day. - Emperium costs **1,000,000 Zeny** each. - The NPC does not operate on Sundays. ===== Conclusion ===== If you're looking to purchase Emperium for guild formation, be sure to visit the **Guild Clerk** in Prontera during the specified hours. The limited supply of 100 Emperium per day can run out quickly, so plan accordingly!