====== Edda Half Moon In The Daylight Instance Guide ====== The **Edda Half Moon In The Daylight** is part of **Episode 16.1** and involves uncovering mysteries related to the Pope and her brother Luwmin. This guide will help you navigate through the instance. ===== Requirements ===== * Base Level: 80 or higher * Must be in a party to enter * Only the party leader can initiate the instance ===== Starting the Instance ===== 1. **Talk to High Priestess Niren** in **Rachel (174, 138)**: - You will need to speak to her to begin the quest. - The party leader will initiate the instance by speaking to **Niren**. 2. **Dialog with Niren**: - Niren explains that the Pope has been sleeping abnormally long and asks for your help in entering her dream to solve the mystery. - After the conversation, you will receive the quest to enter the dream. ===== Entering the Instance ===== 1. **Dream Path**: - Go to **Rachel (176, 145)** and enter the **Dream Path**. - Only the party leader can initiate entry into the instance. Select the option to **enter the dream**. 2. **Dream Mechanics**: - The dream environment is unstable, and you may encounter various challenges while navigating it. - You will meet characters like **Pope** and **Luwmin**, who will guide you through the dream sequence. ===== Navigating the Dream ===== 1. **Meeting the Pope**: - Once inside the instance, you will encounter the **Pope**, who seems confused and is searching for a doll named **Tilibi**. - Assist the Pope in locating Tilibi by following the clues. 2. **Suspicious Creatures**: - While exploring, you will face several enemies called **Suspicious Creatures**. - Defeat them to proceed to the next part of the dream. ===== Encounter with Luwmin ===== 1. **Meeting Luwmin**: - Luwmin, the Pope's twin brother, will appear and help you understand more about the dream's influence on the Pope. - Follow his guidance and protect the Pope as you unravel the mystery. 2. **Clearing Obstacles**: - Defeat the monsters that block your way and assist the Pope in reaching the end of her dream. ===== Boss Fight and Conclusion ===== 1. **Final Confrontation**: - The final fight involves protecting the Pope from the dream’s malevolent forces. - After defeating the final boss, you will be able to leave the dream and complete the quest. 2. **Return to Niren**: - After exiting the dream, report back to **High Priestess Niren** to complete the quest and receive your rewards. ===== Tips ===== * **Preparation**: Ensure your party is well-equipped for combat, as the enemies in the dream can be challenging. * **Coordination**: Stay close to your party members and coordinate during boss fights to ensure success. * **Cooldown**: There is a cooldown period for re-entering the instance, so plan accordingly.