====== Eclage Interior Instance Guide ====== The **Eclage Interior Instance** is part of the **Eclage Episode 14.2** content. Players must navigate through the instance, dealing with enemies, making decisions, and advancing the storyline involving Mayor Shenime and the mysterious Orb. ===== Requirements ===== * Must be in a party. * Only the party leader can initiate the instance. * The party leader needs to speak to **Chief of Staff** to start the instance. ===== Starting the Instance ===== 1. **Talk to the Chief of Staff (ecl_hub01, 132, 12)** - The party leader must initiate the instance by speaking to the **Chief of Staff** NPC. - If you are not the party leader, you will not be able to start the instance. 2. **Choose to Enter** - If the instance is available, you will get an option to enter. - Ensure your party is prepared for combat before proceeding. 3. **Instance Cooldown** - The instance has a 20-minute cooldown period. If it has been less than 20 minutes since the last attempt, you must wait before entering again. ===== Inside the Instance ===== Once inside, follow these steps: 1. **Confront Shenime** - You will encounter **Shenime** in the early part of the instance. After some dialogue, you will be teleported further into the dungeon. 2. **Suspicious Creatures** - You will face waves of enemies known as **Suspicious Creatures**. These must be defeated to proceed. - The creatures will appear in several locations around the map: * (51, 64) * (43, 67) * (55, 80) * (60, 75) - Once all creatures are defeated, the instance will progress. 3. **Subordinates of the King of Demons** - After defeating the **Suspicious Creatures**, you will face a new wave of monsters: **Subordinates of the King of Demons**. - Defeat them to unlock the next part of the instance. 4. **Shenime’s Deception** - As you progress, you will learn that Shenime has been manipulating events behind the scenes. - You will need to confront him and deal with his betrayal. ===== Boss Fight: Avant and Shenime ===== Towards the end of the instance, you will face **Avant** and **Shenime**: 1. **Dialogue with Avant** - After some interaction with **Avant**, the situation will escalate as you learn more about Shenime’s plan. 2. **Confrontation with Shenime** - **Shenime** will eventually be revealed as a betrayer. He has been working with **Morocc**, and his goal was to use the power of the Orb. ===== Completing the Instance ===== 1. **Defeat the Final Enemies** - The final waves of monsters must be defeated to finish the instance. 2. **Speak with Hisie** - At the end of the instance, you will speak with **Hisie**, who will clear your character’s name from accusations. 3. **Exit the Instance** - Once the dialogue concludes, you will be teleported out of the instance. ===== Tips ===== * **Healing Items**: Bring enough healing items, as you will face several waves of tough enemies. * **Party Coordination**: Ensure your party stays together to handle the monsters more effectively. * **Cooldown**: Be mindful of the 20-minute cooldown between instance runs.