===== Charleston in Distress Instance Guide ===== **Location:** Talk to **Charleston** at **[verus04,75,114]** to start the **Charleston in Distress** instance. **Requirements:** - Base Level: **130** or higher. - You must form a party before entering the instance. Use `/organize PARTYNAME` to create a party. **Cooldown:** After completing the instance, there is a **23-hour cooldown** before you can enter again. ===== Instance Walkthrough ===== In this instance, you will help Charleston by collecting replacement parts from the factory. Follow the steps below to complete the instance: 1. **Starting the Instance** - Speak with **Charleston** to initiate the quest. The party leader should select "Use the machine to enter the factory" to begin the instance. 2. **Navigating the Factory** - Inside the factory, you will face waves of enemies, including **Security Robots** (ID: 3127) and **Locksteps** (ID: 3126). Clear the waves to advance through different sections of the factory. - Your objective is to destroy security devices and repair parts as instructed by **Charleston 1**. 3. **Mid-boss Encounter - Security Device** - You will encounter stronger enemies and security devices. Be cautious and defeat them to progress further into the factory. 4. **Final Boss Fight - Charleston 2** - Near the end of the instance, you will face **Charleston 2** (ID: 3124), who controls part of the factory. Coordinate with your party to defeat her and complete the instance. 5. **Completion** - After defeating Charleston 2, report back to **Charleston 1** to receive your rewards. The instance will then be completed. ===== Tips & Tricks ===== - **Party Setup:** A balanced party with a tank, healer, and DPS is highly recommended due to the large number of enemies and the strong bosses. - **Boss Strategy:** Charleston 2 has powerful attacks, so spread out and avoid heavy damage. Use coordinated attacks to bring her down quickly. - **Cooldown:** After completing the instance, there is a 23-hour cooldown before re-entry. Good luck in helping Charleston and exploring the factory!