====== Catalog Magician Guide ====== This guide explains how to use the **Catalog Magician**, an NPC that allows players to purchase catalogs, which can be used to search for items in-game and buy or sell directly from the catalog interface. ===== NPC Location ===== - **Catalog Magician**: - **Location**: moc_para01 (22, 16) ===== How to Use the Catalog Magician ===== 1. **Talk to the Catalog Magician**: - The NPC will introduce the new **Universal Catalog Silver**, a catalog that allows players to check which items are available for trade and what items are on sale by vendors. 2. **Buying Catalogs**: - Each **Universal Catalog Silver** costs **200 Zeny**. - You can buy up to **50 pieces** at once. 3. **Buying Process**: - When prompted, enter the number of catalogs you want to purchase (1 to 50). - If you have enough Zeny, the NPC will deduct the required amount and give you the catalogs. - If you don't have enough Zeny, the NPC will notify you and suggest selling equipment to earn more Zeny. 4. **Special Dialogue Options**: - If you choose "You don't look like a vendor!", the Catalog Magician will explain that he is actually a magician selling these catalogs directly instead of through the merchant guild. ===== Important Notes ===== - Make sure you have enough **Zeny** before trying to purchase catalogs. - Catalogs allow players to search for items in the game, making it easier to find what is being sold by other players. ===== Conclusion ===== The **Universal Catalog Silver** is a convenient tool for trading in the game. Make sure to stock up and use them to streamline your buying and selling experience!