===== Bangungot Hospital 2F Instance Guide ===== **Location:** Talk to **Nurse Maenne** at **[ma_dun01, 147, 10]** to start the Bangungot Hospital 2F instance. **Requirements:** - Base Level: **100** or higher. - You must form a party before entering the instance. Use `/organize PARTYNAME` to create a party. **Cooldown:** After completing the instance, there is a **23-hour cooldown** before you can enter again. ===== Instance Walkthrough ===== This instance is part of the **Nurse in Port Malaya** questline. You will face the notorious Bangungot and her minions on the second floor of the hospital. Follow these steps to complete the instance: 1. **Starting the Instance** - Speak with **Nurse Maenne** at **[ma_dun01, 147, 10]**. - The party leader should initiate the instance by selecting "Prepare to enter the second floor." 2. **Entering the Hospital** - Once the instance is created, all party members can enter the hospital. You will first encounter enemies like **Bangungot's Mangkukulam** (ID: 2339). 3. **Navigating the Hospital** - You will progress through the floors of the hospital, encountering various waves of enemies. Clear each wave to unlock further areas. 4. **Final Boss Fight - Bangungot** - At the end of the hospital, you will face **Bangungot** (ID: 2317), a powerful entity haunting the hospital. Coordinate with your party to defeat her. 5. **Completion** - After defeating Bangungot, you will be rewarded with various items, including **Ancient Grudge** (Item ID: 6499). ===== Tips & Tricks ===== - **Party Setup:** A well-balanced party with a tank, healer, and DPS is essential to surviving the waves of enemies and powerful bosses. - **Cooldown:** After completing the instance, there’s a 23-hour cooldown before re-entering. - **Boss Strategy:** Bangungot has strong AoE attacks, so make sure to spread out and avoid taking heavy damage. Good luck in saving Bangungot Hospital from its haunted fate!