===== Bakonawa Lake Instance Guide ===== **Location:** Talk to **Taho** at **[ma_scene01,174,179]** to start the **Bakonawa Lake** instance. **Requirements:** - Base Level: **140** or higher. - You must form a party before entering the instance. Use `/organize PARTYNAME` to create a party. **Cooldown:** After completing the instance, there is a **23-hour cooldown** before you can enter again. ===== Instance Walkthrough ===== The **Bakonawa Lake** instance revolves around defeating Bakonawa, the serpent, before it devours the moon. Follow the steps below to complete the instance: 1. **Starting the Instance** - Speak with **Taho** to initiate the quest. He will explain the situation about Bakonawa. - The party leader should select "Weave a rope" or "I will go down" to begin the instance. 2. **Entering Bakonawa Lake** - After the instance is created, all party members can enter by using the rope. You will first face waves of enemies as you approach the lake. 3. **First Battle - Bakonawa's Minions** - Upon reaching the lake, you will encounter **Bakonawa's Will** (ID: 2337) and **Bakonawa's Puppet** (ID: 2343). Defeat them to proceed to the next phase. 4. **Mid-boss Encounter - Bakonawa's First Form** - You will now fight **Bakonawa** (ID: 2320), but note that he becomes invincible at certain points. Follow **Taho's** instructions during this phase to destroy gongs and caldrons, preventing Bakonawa from swallowing the moon. 5. **Final Boss Fight - Enraged Bakonawa** - In the final phase, you will fight **Enraged Bakonawa** (ID: 2322). Coordinate with your party to defeat him quickly before he escapes back into the lake. 6. **Completion** - After defeating Enraged Bakonawa, you will receive rewards such as **Ancient Grudge** (Item ID: 6499). You can also open a treasure box before exiting. ===== Tips & Tricks ===== - **Party Setup:** A tank, healer, and DPS are recommended due to the number of enemies and strong bosses. - **Boss Strategy:** Follow **Taho's** instructions carefully during the fight to avoid Bakonawa becoming invincible. Destroy the gongs and caldrons quickly to proceed. - **Cooldown:** After completing the instance, there is a 23-hour cooldown before re-entering. Good luck defeating Bakonawa and saving the moon!