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Newbie Starter & Leveling Guide (GemstoneRO)

How to Start & Freebies

NPC / Location Details
Freebie NPC at Prontera (147, 174) or @hub - Provides potions for early adventuring.
- Gives Battle Manuals for faster leveling.

After receiving your freebies, begin leveling on:

  1. Maps: prt_fild08 or pay_fild04
  2. Tip: Use @autoloot to automatically pick up items.

Once you reach Base Level 10 and complete your First Job Change:

  1. Sell your looted items.
  2. Purchase Starter Items from Arina (at @hub, top area).
  3. These items help you progress up to ~Base Level 200.

When you reach Level 100:

  1. Speak to Arathor at Prontera (145, 176) or @hub (if relocated).
  2. He grants:
    1. 10ร— Almighty
    2. 5ร— Thick Battle Manuals
    3. +10 Beginner Weapon
    4. 500k Zeny

You are now free to explore additional areas and level up!

Leveling Progress Guide

Level Range Suggested Map(s) Notes
1 - 20 prt_fild08, pay_fild04 Early leveling maps; use @autoloot.
20 - 60 pay_dun00 โ†’ pay_dun01 Mobs scale up as you go deeper.
60 - 80 mosk_dun01 Good zeny and moderate EXP.
80 - 100 gl_chyard Quick leveling for mid-range levels.
100 - 120 mag_dun02, Illusion Moonlight Illusion dungeons offer decent EXP and loot.
120 - 140 Illusion Vampire, Illusion of Frozen, abyss_01 - abyss_03 Party recommended if needed.
140 - 160 Illusion Underwater, Lasagna Dungeon 3 Great EXP, be mindful of stronger mobs.
160 - 175 Nightmare Clock Tower 3F, Illusion Abyss, Illusion Teddy Bear/Twins/Labyrinth Mix of high-EXP monsters; watch out for strong attacks.
175 - 200 Illusion Underwater 2, Odin 4, Abyss Lakes 4, Einbech Mine 3 Good bridging to level 200.
200 - 240 Nifflheim Dungeons, Rudus, Amicitia, Airship Crash, Issgard Dungeons/Fields Advanced zones with valuable drops.
240 - 260 Unknown Basement Challenging monsters, high rewards.
260 - 275 Mjolnir Underground Cave, Power Twisted Plains Endgame leveling and farming spots.

Gear Progress Guide

Equipment Stage Where / How to Obtain
Paradise Equipment Basic starter gear from the Paradise NPC.
Grace Equipment Mid-tier set; sold by certain NPCs or dropped in mid-tier dungeons.
Riggs Gear Check/farm from Riggs (Prontera 146, 166) if available.
Temporal Boots Hunt in Old Glast Heim; versatile for many builds.
BIO 5 Headgear Farm in Bio Laboratory 5; upgrade for better stats.
Weapon Upgrades - Illusion Dungeons
- Einbech Dungeon 03
- EDDA Biolabs
Soutanes / Dragon Armors Farm from Odin Past or Abyss 04; can use set bonuses.
Temporal Manteau / Insignia Obtain in EDDA Fall of Glast Heim; combos well with Temporal Boots.
Refine & Zeny Collect refining materials and zeny to upgrade your gear.
Level 200+ Dungeons Access advanced areas to pursue endgame items.

๐Ÿ’ก Tips for Efficient Leveling

Tip Description
๐Ÿ“ˆ Party Up Always try to level in parties for faster experience gain.
๐Ÿ’Š Stay Healthy Use healing items and potions to survive in harder dungeons.
๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Gear Up Equip gears that boost attack and defense for high-level areas.
โšก Job Master Use GemstoneRO's Job Master to transition quickly between classes.

๐ŸŽ‰ Conclusion

This guide should help you through the various stages of leveling in GemstoneRO. Always remember that leveling efficiency can vary depending on:

  1. Your class
  2. Your gear setup
  3. Solo vs. party play

Good luck, and happy leveling in GemstoneRO!

Additional Note: NPCs in Prontera may have been relocated to @hub. If you cannot find them at their usual spots, please type `@hub` in-game.

leveling.1738155876.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2025/01/29 13:04 by gemmaster