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Newbie Starter & Leveling Guide

How to Start & Freebies

NPC / Location Details
Freebie NPC at Prontera (147, 174) or @hub - Gives a variety of potions for early adventuring.
- Also provides some Battle Manuals for faster leveling.

After receiving your freebies, you can begin leveling:

  1. Maps: prt_fild08 or pay_fild04
  2. Tip: Use @autoloot to automatically pick up items.

Once you reach Base Level 10 and complete your First Job Change:

  1. Sell your looted items.
  2. Buy Starter Items from Arina (at @hub, head to the top area).
  3. These items can help you progress up to around Base Level 200.

When you reach Level 100:

  1. Speak to Arathor at Prontera (145, 176) or at @hub (if NPCs moved).
  2. He grants:
    1. 10× Almighty
    2. 5× Thick Battle Manuals
    3. +10 Beginner Weapon
    4. 500k Zeny

You are now free to explore additional areas and level up!

Leveling Progress Guide

Below is a suggested leveling path based on common progression:

Level Range Suggested Map(s) Notes
1 - 20 prt_fild08, pay_fild04 Great for very early leveling. Use @autoloot.
20 - 60 pay_dun00 → pay_dun01 Gradually tougher monsters as you move deeper.
60 - 80 mosk_dun01 Good zeny and moderate EXP.
80 - 100 gl_chyard Great spot for quick leveling.
100 - 120 mag_dun02, Illusion Moonlight Illusion dungeons offer decent EXP and loot.
120 - 140 Illusion Vampire, Illusion of Frozen, abyss_01 - abyss_03 Party if needed; mobs can be strong.
140 - 160 Illusion Underwater, Lasagna Dungeon 3 EXP ramps up significantly here.
160 - 175 Nightmare Clock Tower 3F, Illusion Abyss, Illusion Teddy Bear/Twins/Labyrinth Mix of high-EXP mobs, watch out for strong attacks.
175 - 200 Illusion Underwater 2, Odin 4, Abyss Lakes 4, Einbech Mine Floor 3 Ideal for bridging to 200.
200 - 240 Nifflheim Dungeons, Rudus, Amicitia, Airship Crash, Issgard Dungeons/Fields Advanced areas with higher-level drops.
240 - 260 Unknown Basement Challenging monsters, high reward.
260 - 275 Mjolnir Underground Cave, Power Twisted Plains Endgame leveling spots.

Gear Progress Guide

Equipment Stage Where / How to Obtain
Paradise Equipment Basic starting gear; easy to get from the Paradise NPC.
Grace Equipment Progression set; often sold by certain NPCs or dropped in mid-tier dungeons.
Riggs Gear Check or farm from Riggs (Prontera 146, 166) if available.
Temporal Boots Hunt in Old Glast Heim; a solid pair of boots for most builds.
BIO 5 Headgear Hunt in Bio Laboratory 5; upgrade for improved stats.
Weapon Upgrades - Illusion Dungeons
- Einbech Dungeon 03
- EDDA Biolabs
Soutanes / Dragon Armors Farm from Odin Past or Abyss 04; can use their set bonuses.
Temporal Manteau / Insignia Acquired in EDDA Fall of Glast Heim; pairs well with Temporal Boots.
Refine & Zeny Keep collecting refining materials and zeny to upgrade gear.
Level 200+ Dungeons Access advanced areas once you’re geared to pursue endgame items.

Additional Note

- NPCs in Prontera may have been relocated to @hub. If you cannot find them at their usual spots, please type `@hub` in-game.

Enjoy your adventure!

leveling.1738155709.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/29 13:01 by gemmaster