Charleston in Distress Instance Guide
Talk to Charleston at [verus04,75,114] to start the Charleston in Distress instance.
- Base Level: 130 or higher.
- You must form a party before entering the instance. Use `/organize PARTYNAME` to create a party.
After completing the instance, there is a 23-hour cooldown before you can enter again.
Instance Walkthrough
In this instance, you will help Charleston by collecting replacement parts from the factory. Follow the steps below to complete the instance:
1. Starting the Instance
Speak with Charleston to initiate the quest. The party leader should select “Use the machine to enter the factory” to begin the instance.
2. Navigating the Factory
Inside the factory, you will face waves of enemies, including Security Robots (ID: 3127) and Locksteps (ID: 3126). Clear the waves to advance through different sections of the factory.
Your objective is to destroy security devices and repair parts as instructed by Charleston 1.
3. Mid-boss Encounter - Security Device
You will encounter stronger enemies and security devices. Be cautious and defeat them to progress further into the factory.
4. Final Boss Fight - Charleston 2
Near the end of the instance, you will face Charleston 2 (ID: 3124), who controls part of the factory. Coordinate with your party to defeat her and complete the instance.
5. Completion
After defeating Charleston 2, report back to Charleston 1 to receive your rewards. The instance will then be completed.
Tips & Tricks
Party Setup: A balanced party with a tank, healer, and DPS is highly recommended due to the large number of enemies and the strong bosses.
Boss Strategy: Charleston 2 has powerful attacks, so spread out and avoid heavy damage. Use coordinated attacks to bring her down quickly.
Cooldown: After completing the instance, there is a 23-hour cooldown before re-entry.
Good luck in helping Charleston and exploring the factory!