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16.1_banquet_of_heroes [2025/02/04 06:00] – created gemmaster16.1_banquet_of_heroes [2025/02/05 15:25] (current) gemmaster
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-====== The Royal Banquet ======+Below is one way to reformat the provided quest guide into DokuWiki‐formatted text. (You may need to adjust image parameters or plugin calls—such as for “{{navi}}”, “{{map}}”, “{{item}}”, and “{{tooltip}}”—depending on your local DokuWiki setup.)
-Another name for the Episode 16.1 updates. This episode focuses on determining who will be crowned the new king among the 7 royal families. As part of this update, three new instances (two of which are repeatable) and two new dungeons were added. Additionally, the city of Prontera and the castle received a significant graphical overhaul.+------------------------------------------------------------ 
 +{{Phantasmagorika.png?550&fl=left}} {{Lost_Memories.png?550&fl=right}}
-[[/wiki/Noblesse_Equipment|Noblesse Equipment]] is also introduced in this episode, and the selling NPC can be accessed at any time.+This guide consists of 2 episodes: **15.1 (Phantasmagorika)** which ends at step 21, and **15.2 (Lost Memories)** which starts at step 22.
-====== Main Quest ======+===== Main Quest =====
-**Reminder**: Clicking **blue coordinates** and then pasting them into the in-game chat window will navigate you to the location!+^^ Quest Info ^^ 
 +**Level Requirement**       | 140 | 
 +| **Party Requirement**       | – | 
 +| **Job Level Requirement**   | – | 
 +| **Class Requirement**       | – | 
 +| **Item Requirement**        | **Power Control Devices** (20, ID:6749), **Empty Bottles** (10, ID:713), **Enriched Energy** (10, ID:6756), **Meat** (2, ID:517), **Mora Mandarin** (1, ID:11520), **Banana** (1, ID:513), **Memory Records** (5, ID:6757), **Laboratory Memory Records** (5, ID:6824) | 
 +| **Hunting**                 | – | 
 +| **Quest Requirement**       | – | 
 +| **Quest Core Requirement**  | – | 
 +| **Base EXP Reward**         | 1,050,000 | 
 +| **Job EXP Reward**          | 800,000 | 
 +| **Item Reward**             | **Record Piece** (1, ID:22695) | 
 +| **Quest Reward**            | [[Looking for the Traces]]<br />Access to [[Verus Daily Quests]]<br />Access to [[Charleston Crisis]]<br />Access to [[Central Laboratory]]<br />Access to Verus maps:<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;– {{map|id=verus01 Verus 01: Lab-OPTATIO}}<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;– {{map|id=verus02 Verus 02: R&D-WISH}}<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;– {{map|id=verus03 Verus 03: Verus Center Square}}<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;– {{map|id=verus04 Verus 04: Verus Findspot}}<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;– {{map|id=un_bunker Under Bunker}} | 
 +| **Other Reward**            | – | 
 +| **Window**                  | yes | 
 +| **External Link**           | [] |
-===== Learning About the Families =====+------------------------------------------------------------ 
 + 1. **Start of Episode 15.1.** Upon entering the Eden Group, you will be prompted by **Lime Evenor** to join the excavation group in Juperos. Progress through the dialogue and move on. 
 + 1. In Eden 2nd Floor on the leftmost room, speak to **Commander Arquien**, Nile {{navi|moc_para01|133|170}}, the founder of Eden Group.   
 +  - {{CommanderArquien-EdenGroup.png}} 
 + 1. Proceed to the {{tooltip|room to the right|where the Mail Annex used to be}} and speak to **Lime Evenor** {{navi|moc_para01|174|165}}.   
 +  - {{LimeEvenor-Aureth-EdenGrop.png}}   
 +  * She’ll introduce you to **Archeologist Aureth** {{navi|moc_para01|172|164}} and suggest you move to the excavation site.   
 +  * Here you have 2 options. You may: 1) proceed with the rest of the Main Quest, or 2) do the [[To Phantasmagorika!#Side Quest|Side Quest]] below to unlock the elevator to [[Verus]] as well as [[Looking for the Traces]].   
 +  * It is recommended to do the first 3 steps of the Side Quest, then finish it as you progress through the Main Quest.   
 +  * You can skip to Step 9 for unlocking Central lab by getting a warp to Verus City. (Caution: Unsure how it will affect the rest of the quest. Proceed with caution.) 
 + 1. Speak to **Guide Elisha** {{navi|yuno_fild07|216|157}} in Juno field.   
 +  * Ask her about the registration and then for directions. She’ll direct you to Rekenber Headquarters in [[Lighthalzen]].   
 +  - {{GuideElisha.png}} 
 + 1. Proceed to the Rekenber Headquarters in Lighthalzen and speak to **Leitner** {{navi|lhz_in01|75|205}} behind the counter on the first floor west of the main desk.   
 +  * He will register you and allow you to use the elevator to the Verus Findspot.   
 +  - {{Leitner-Lighthalzen.png}} 
 + 1. Return to **Guide Elisha** and say your name.   
 +  * She will attempt to send you to the Verus Findspot, but the elevator appears to be out of order.   
 +  * Note: At this point, you can continue the [[To Phantasmagorika!#Side Quest|Side Quest]] later. 
 + 1. Proceed to {{map|id=juperos_01 Juperos Ruins 1}} {{navi|juperos_01|244|87}} and go to the excavation site to the southeast of the map.   
 +  * From there, proceed to the bottom of the new map to enter Juperos Eastern Ruins.   
 +  * The Rekenber Guard at the entrance {{navi|juperos_01|15|151}} will mark the tunnel’s location.   
 +  - {{JupMap.png}}   
 +  * You now have access to [[Passage Cleaning]]. 
 + 1. Proceed through the Verus Outer Tunnel to arrive at [[Verus]].   
 +  - {{Eastern-juperos-ruins.png}} 
 + 1. Upon arrival at Verus, talk to **Receptionist Nara** {{navi|verus04|182|168}}.   
 +  * She will ask what group you belong to; reply with **//Atnad//**.   
 +  * You now have access to {{map|id=verus03 Verus 03: Verus Center Square}}.   
 +  * You now have access to [[Eliminating Risks]] and [[Daily_Quests#Verus|Verus Daily Quest]].   
 +  * You now have access to the [[Charleston Crisis]] Instance.   
 +  * Receive 300,000 EXP and 300,000 Job EXP.   
 +  - {{ReceptionistNara-Verus.png}} 
 + 1. Speak with **Archaeologist Aureth** {{navi|verus04|141|193}}.   
 +  - {{ArchaeologistAureth-Verus.png}} 
 + 1. Talk to **Ian Atnad** {{navi|verus04|144|193}}.   
 +  * He will ask that you gather 20 {{item|id=6749 Power Control Devices}} to prove yourself.   
 +  * Note: These devices are randomly added to your inventory when you kill the robot monsters around Verus.   
 +  * If you return with more than 20, he will take them all (they are character bound, so this is not an issue).   
 +  - {{IanAtnad-Verus.png}} 
 + 1. After collecting, hand them over to **Archaeologist Atnad**.   
 +  * You will receive 750,000 Base EXP and 500,000 Job EXP. 
 + 1. Speak to **Archaeologist Aureth**; he will ask you to speak with **Machinist Lloyd** in Verus Center Square.   
 + 1. **Machinist Lloyd** {{navi|verus03|103|177}} will ask you to collect condensed energy from the nearby machine remnants.   
 +  * With 10 {{item|id=713 Empty Bottles}} in your inventory, collect 10 {{item|id=6756 Enriched Energy}} from nearby **Machine Remnants** and deliver them to Lloyd.   
 +  - {{MachinistLloyd.png}} {{Machine-remnant.jpg}}   
 +  * Machine Remnant Coordinates:   
 +    - {{navi|verus03|104|176}} · {{navi|verus03|127|141}} · {{navi|verus03|201|180}} · {{navi|verus03|204|200}} · {{navi|verus03|219|196}}   
 +    - {{navi|verus03|258|195}} · {{navi|verus03|211|112}} · {{navi|verus03|57|81}} · {{navi|verus03|25|80}} · {{navi|verus03|41|121}}   
 +    - {{navi|verus03|57|122}} · {{navi|verus03|44|195}} · {{navi|verus03|82|148}} · {{navi|verus03|122|58}} · {{navi|verus03|169|227}} 
 + 1. Deliver the 10 Enriched Energy back to **Machinist Lloyd**. 
 + 1. Return to **Archaeologist Aureth**; he will give you a {{item|id=6748 Excavation Report}} and ask you to deliver it to **Commander Louis**. 
 + 1. Speak with **Commander Louis** {{navi|verus04|179|165}} and report the excavation results to him.   
 +  * Receive 300,000 Base EXP and 300,000 Job EXP.   
 +  * You now have access to [[New Power Source]]. 
 + 1. Speak with **Ian Atnad** again; he orders you to bring him some delicious delicacies.   
 +  * You will need to consult with other members of the excavation team to find out what he wants. 
 + 1. Find **Luke Lapez** {{navi|verus03|107|177}} in Verus Center Square—he offers to cook food if you bring him ingredients.   
 +  * Bring him 2 {{item|id=517 Meat}}, 1 {{item|id=11520 Mora Mandarin}}, and 1 {{item|id=513 Banana}}.   
 +  * Return with the ingredients and he creates a {{item|id=11519 Bifrost}} for you.   
 +  - {{LukeLapez.png}} 
 + 1. Deliver the {{item|id=11519 Bifrost}} to **Ian Atnad** and ask him about the last exploration. (Note: Purchasing an authentic Laphine bifrost won’t work unless the ingredients were assembled by Luke.)   
 +  * He asks you to give him time to collect his thoughts.   
 +  * You now have access to [[Core Collection]]. 
 + 1. **End of Episode 15.1.** Speak to **Ian Atnad** again and select “Converse.”   
 +  * He will explain that the last exploration was nothing special and that the excavation site was Juperos. 
 + 1. **Start of Episode 15.2.** Talk to **Ian Atnad** and he will ask that you check the research facilities for anything out of the ordinary.   
 +  * You now have access to {{map|id=verus01 Verus 01: Lab-OPTATIO}}.   
 +  * You now have access to {{map|id=verus02 Verus 02: R&D-WISH}}.   
 +  * You now have access to {{map|id=un_bunker Under Bunker}}.   
 +  * You now have access to the [[Central Laboratory]] Instance. 
 + 1. Go to R&D-WISH, one map north of Verus Center Square {{navi|verus03|169|256}}. 
 + 1. Just north–left of the entrance is a pile of **Strewn Paper** {{navi|verus02|61|29}}.   
 +  * Check it and you’ll obtain a {{item|id=6757 Memory Record}}.   
 +  - {{StrewnPaper.png}} 
 + 1. Return to **Ian Atnad** and he will ask you to fetch the Record Player from **Commander Arquien**, {{tooltip|Nile|She will be referred to as Nile if she’s in Eden Group and Commander Arquien if she’s in Verus}}. 
 + 1. Go back to Eden 2nd Floor and enter the top left room. Speak to **Commander Arquien**, Nile {{navi|moc_para01|133|170}}.   
 +  * Ask her for the **//Record Player//**.   
 +  - {{CommanderArquien-EdenGroup.png}} 
 + 1. Speak to her again and she’ll inform you that she needs 5 more {{item|id=6757 Memory Record}} for it to work. 
 + 1. After collecting the Memory Records, speak to **Commander Arquien** {{navi|verus04|172|149}} in Verus.   
 +  * She’ll ask you to play it yourself—click the **Record Player** (to her left) to hear the recording.   
 +  - {{CommanderArquien-Verus.png}} 
 + 1. Speak to her again and she’ll direct you back to **Ian Atnad**.   
 +  * You will receive 750,000 Base EXP and 500,000 Job EXP. 
 + 1. Speak to **Ian Atnad** and discover he is a descendant of Verus.   
 +  * Tell him about the content of the Memory Record.   
 +  * He asks you to obtain some Memory Records from the laboratory in the north–west of Verus Center Square. 
 + 1. Proceed to Lab-OPTATIO {{navi|verus03|55|251}}, northwest of Verus Center Square. 
 + 1. Speak to **Verity** {{navi|verus01|123|181}}.   
 +  * She will warp you to the {{map|id=un_bunker Under Bunker}}.   
 +  - {{Vanity-Verus.png}} 
 + 1. When you arrive, search the area for strange glowing objects that look like the Strewn Paper you collected the Memory Records from.   
 +  * They will yield a {{item|id=6824 Laboratory Memory Record}}; collect 5 of them. 
 + 1. After collecting 5 Laboratory Memory Records, return to **Commander Arquien** in Verus.   
 + 1. She will tell you to listen to the recording again. 
 + 1. After it plays, speak to **Commander Arquien** again—she once more directs you to **Ian Atnad**.   
 +  * You’ll also receive a Record Piece.   
 +  * You now have access to [[Collect Memory Records of Research Facilities]].   
 +  * You now have access to [[Collect Memory Records of Laboratories]]. 
 + 1. **End of Episode 15.2.** Talk to **Ian Atnad** and report **//About the Memory Records//**.
-^ The Royal Banquet ^^ +===== Meeting Ian Atnad =====
-| **Requirements** || +
-| **Base Level**: | 100 | +
-| **Quest Prerequisite(s):** | [[/wiki/Cat_Hand_Services#New_World_Access_Quest|New World Access Quest]] |+
-| **Rewards** || +^^ Quest Info ^^ 
-| **Base Experience**1,000,000 Base EXP +| **Level Requirement**   140 
-| **Job Experience**: | 1,000,000 Job EXP +| **Base EXP Reward**     Varied 
-| **Item(s):** | 10 [[/wiki/Honor_Token|Honor Token]] | +| **Job EXP Reward**      Varied |
-| **Quest Reward(s):** | Access to [[/wiki/Terra_Gloria|Terra Gloria]],\\ [[/wiki/Royal_Banquet_Daily_Quests|Royal Banquet Daily Quests]],\\ [[#Room_of_Consciousness_Instance|Room of Consciousness Instance]],\\ [[#Sidequests|Royal Family Sidequest]] |+
 + 1. Upon completion of the main quest, **Ian Atnad** will request that you meet him and the founder of Rekenber in Lighthalzen Rekenber headquarters.  
 +  - **Note:** Apparently to get this request the player must do the [[Verus_Daily_Quests#Core_Collection|Core Collection]] a few times (5–10?) (Unconfirmed).
 + 1. Go to the Rekenber headquarters second floor and walk right toward the chairman’s office; speak to **Secretary Slierre** {{navi|lhz_in01|282|226}} to gain entry.
 + 1. Once you have spoken with the secretary, talk to the Rekenber guard on her left. He will then warp you inside the chairman’s office.
 + 1. Speak with the Chairman and the other characters in the room to receive a large sum of non‐repeatable EXP.
 +===== Side Quest =====
 +^^ Quest Info ^^
 +| **Level Requirement**       | 140 |
 +| **Party Requirement**       | – |
 +| **Job Level Requirement**   | – |
 +| **Class Requirement**       | – |
 +| **Item Requirement**        | **Used Iron Plates** (30, ID:7319) |
 +| **Hunting**                 | – |
 +| **Quest Requirement**       | – |
 +| **Quest Core Requirement**  | – |
 +| **Base EXP Reward**         | – |
 +| **Job EXP Reward**          | – |
 +| **Item Reward**             | – |
 +| **Quest Reward**            | Access to the elevator between {{map|id=yuno_fild07 Surface}} and [[Verus]]<br />[[Looking for the Traces]] |
 +| **Other Reward**            | – |
 +| **Window**                  | yes |
 + 1. Speak to **Guide Elisha** {{navi|yuno_fild07|216|157}} in Juno field.  
 +  * Ask her about the registration and directions; she’ll direct you to Rekenber Headquarters in [[Lighthalzen]].  
 +  - {{GuideElisha.png}}
 + 1. Proceed to the Rekenber Headquarters in Lighthalzen and speak to **Leitner** {{navi|lhz_in01|75|205}} behind the counter on the first floor (west of the main desk).  
 +  * He will register you and allow you to use the elevator to the Verus Findspot.  
 +  - {{Leitner-Lighthalzen.png}}
 + 1. Return to **Guide Elisha** and say your name.  
 +  * She will attempt to send you to the Verus Findspot, but the elevator appears to be out of order.  
 +  * Proceed to the Verus Findspot by walking through Juperos 1 as described above in the **Main Quest**.  
 +  * If you do not have them already (or wish to purchase them off-vend from other players), it is advised that you collect 30 {{item|id=7319 Used Iron Plates}} in Juperos now, as you will need them later.
 + 1. In Verus, speak to **Guide Scarlet** {{navi|verus04|119|220}}.  
 +  * You will find that Deu, Alf, Mark, Tamarin, and Magi are on the elevator when it begins to collapse.  
 +  * She will request that you bring her 30 {{item|id=7319 Used Iron Plates}} to help support the elevator.
 + 1. Return to her with the items and repair the elevator.  
 +  * The gang will arrive on the ground safely and thank you for your efforts.  
 +  * The elevator is now available for use to bring you to and from the surface ({{map|id=yuno_fild07 Juno Field 7}}).
 +{{Navbox Instance}}
 +**Category:** Phantasmagorika Quests
 +*Note:* In DokuWiki the syntax for images, tables, and certain inline macros (such as for tooltips or navigation) may vary depending on installed plugins and your configuration. Adjust as needed.
16.1_banquet_of_heroes.1738648818.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/04 06:00 by gemmaster