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# ✨ Phantasmagorika Quest Guide Episodes 15.1 & 15.2 – A Journey Through Verus

Important: Before starting any quest, be sure to complete the [New World Quest](New_World_Quest) first!

## 🎟️ NPC Shop: Temporal Tina

Temporal Tina sells Episode Clear Tickets and can be found at:

- Prontera

  1. Coordinates: prontera 140, 174
  2. [Map Link](@navi prontera 140/174)
  3. ![Prontera location](Prontera location)

- Main Office

  1. Coordinates: main_office 94, 59
  2. [Map Link](@navi main_office 94/59)
  3. ![Main Office location](Main Office location)

## 🛡️ Quest Requirements

- Base Level: 140 - 30 Used Iron Plates (7319)

  • Farmed in Juperos Dungeon*

- 20 Power Control Devices (6749)

  • Obtained naturally while questing*

- 10 Empty Bottles (713)

  • Purchasable at an NPC*

- 2 Meat (517)

  • Purchasable at an NPC*

- 1 Mora Mandarin (11520)

  • Purchasable at an NPC*

- 1 Banana (513)

  • Purchasable at an NPC*

## 📖 Episode 15.1: Phantasmagorika

### Step 1: The Beginning Description: - Enter Eden Group (1st Floor). - Lime Evenor prompts you to join an excavation group in Juperos. - Agree to continue.

### Step 2: Meet Commander Arquien ![verus-pre-001]() Description: - Head to Eden Group 2nd Floor (leftmost room) and speak with Commander Arquien, Nile. - Location: `@navi moc_para01 133/170`.

### Step 3: Encounter Lime Evenor ![verus-pre-002]() Description: - In the adjacent room, talk to Lime Evenor. - Location: `@navi moc_para01 174/165`. - She introduces Archaeologist Aureth and directs you to the excavation site.

### Step 4: Registration with Guide Elisha ![elevator-004]() Description: - In Juno Field 7, meet Guide Elisha. - Location: `@navi yuno_fild07 216/157`. - She explains registration details and sends you to Rekenber Headquarters in Lighthalzen.

### Step 5: Elevator Access at Rekenber HQ ![elevator-010]() Description: - At Rekenber HQ in Lighthalzen, talk with Leitner. - Location: `@navi lhz_in01 75/205`. - He registers you for elevator access to Verus Findspot. - Then, return to Guide Elisha—note that the elevator malfunctions, so you must traverse Juperos 1 on foot.

### Step 6: Journey Through Juperos 1 Description: - Follow Guide Elisha into Juperos 1. - Along the way, collect 30 Used Iron Plates if needed.

### Step 7: From Juperos Ruins to Verus ![elevator-005]() ![eastern-juperos-ruins]() Description: - In Juperos Ruins 1 (juperos_01), head to the southeast excavation site, then continue south on the next map to enter Juperos Eastern Ruins. - Look for a Rekenber Guard at `@navi juperos_01 15/151`—this marks the tunnel’s location. - Enter the Verus Outer Tunnel to arrive in Verus. - Once there, speak to Receptionist Nara at `@navi verus04 182/168` and type “Atnad” to unlock:

  1. Eliminating Risks (Verus Daily Quests)
  2. Charleston Crisis instance

### Step 8: Fixing the Elevator in Verus ![elevator-012]() Description: - In Verus, talk to Guide Scarlet. - Location: `@navi verus04 119/220`. - Her group is stuck on the elevator and needs 30 Used Iron Plates to repair it.

### Step 9: Repair the Elevator Description: - Deliver 30 Used Iron Plates to Guide Scarlet. - With the elevator fixed, you can now travel freely between Juno Field 7 and Verus. - The Last Room instance also becomes accessible.

### Step 10: Confirm with Receptionist Nara ![verus-pre-007]() Description: - Speak with Receptionist Nara again at `@navi verus04 182/168` and type “Atnad” a second time.

### Step 11: Meet Archaeologist Aureth ![verus-pre-009]() Description: - Now, speak with Archaeologist Aureth at `@navi verus04 141/193`.

### Step 12: Gather Power Control Devices ![verus-pre-010]() Description: - Talk to Ian Atnad at `@navi verus04 144/193`. - He requests 20 Power Control Devices (dropped by local Verus monsters). - Collect and deliver them to him.

### Step 13: Deliver the Devices Description: - Hand over the 20 Power Control Devices to Ian Atnad.

### Step 14: Report Back to Aureth Description: - Return to Archaeologist Aureth to report your progress. - He then directs you to Machinist Lloyd in Verus Center Square.

### Step 15: Collect Enriched Energy ![verus-day-014]() ![machine_remnant]() Description: - Meet Machinist Lloyd at `@navi verus03 103/177`. - He needs 10 Enriched Energy from Machine Remnants scattered around Verus. - Use 10 Empty Bottles to collect the energy (the map provides Machine Remnant coordinates).

### Step 16: Deliver Enriched Energy Description: - Return to Machinist Lloyd with the 10 Enriched Energy.

### Step 17: Acquire the Excavation Report Description: - Speak again with Archaeologist Aureth. - He hands you an Excavation Report intended for Commander Louis.

### Step 18: Submit the Report ![verus-day-008]() Description: - Deliver the Excavation Report to Commander Louis at `@navi verus04 179/165`. - This submission unlocks the New Power Source.

### Step 19: A Request from Ian Atnad Description: - Chat with Ian Atnad once more. - He mentions he needs some special food and will provide further details.

### Step 20: Meet Luke Lapez for a Meal ![verus-day-015]() Description: - Find Luke Lapez in Verus Center Square at `@navi verus03 107/177`. - He will cook for you if you provide:

  1. 2 Meat
  2. 1 Mora Mandarin
  3. 1 Banana

- In return, you receive a Bifrost.

### Step 21: Deliver the Bifrost Description: - Bring the Bifrost to Ian Atnad. - He takes time reviewing your exploration details and unlocks the Core Collection daily quest.

### Step 22: Transition to Episode 15.2 Description: - End of Episode 15.1: Speak with Ian Atnad one final time and choose “Converse.” - He reveals that the excavation site was located in Juperos.

## 📖 Episode 15.2: Lost Memories

### Step 23: The Next Chapter Begins Description: - Start Episode 15.2 by talking with Ian Atnad. - He directs you to investigate several research facilities, unlocking:

  1. Verus 01: Lab-OPTATIO
  2. Verus 02: R&D-WISH
  3. Under Bunker
  4. Central Laboratory instance

### Step 24: Journey to R&D-WISH Description: - Head to R&D-WISH, located one map north of Verus Center Square. - Location: `@navi verus03 169/256`.

### Step 25: Discover the Strewn Paper ![central-lab-pre-003]() Description: - Inside R&D-WISH, near the north-left wall, examine the Strewn Paper. - Location: `@navi verus02 61/29`. - Collect a Memory Record.

### Step 26: Report Back to Ian Atnad Description: - Return to Ian Atnad. - He instructs you to obtain a Record Player from Commander Arquien, Nile.

### Step 27: Retrieve the Record Player Description: - Go back to Eden Group 2nd Floor (top-left room) and speak with Commander Arquien, Nile. - Location: `@navi moc_para01 133/170`. - Request the Record Player.

### Step 28: More Memory Records Needed Description: - Speak with Commander Arquien again. - She explains that she needs 5 more Memory Records.

### Step 29: Play the Memory Records ![central-lab-pre-006]() Description: - After collecting 5 Memory Records, meet Commander Arquien in Verus. - Location: `@navi verus04 172/149`. - Play the Memory Records on the Record Player positioned beside her.

### Step 30: Return to Ian Atnad Description: - Following the playback, Commander Arquien sends you back to Ian Atnad.

### Step 31: A New Revelation Description: - Speak with Ian Atnad. - He reveals he is a descendant of Verus and needs extra Memory Records from a laboratory northwest of Verus Center Square.

### Step 32: Head to Lab-OPTATIO Description: - Proceed to Lab-OPTATIO. - Location: `@navi verus03 55/251`.

### Step 33: Speak with Verity ![central-lab-pre-023]() Description: - Inside Lab-OPTATIO, talk with Verity. - Location: `@navi verus01 123/181`. - She warps you to the Under Bunker.

### Step 34: Explore Under Bunker Description: - In Under Bunker, search for glowing Strewn Paper objects. - Collect 5 Laboratory Memory Records.

### Step 35: Report Back to Commander Arquien Description: - Return to Commander Arquien in Verus with the 5 Laboratory Memory Records.

### Step 36: Listen to the New Recordings Description: - Commander Arquien instructs you to listen to the freshly obtained recordings.

### Step 37: Receive the Record Piece Description: - After listening, speak with Commander Arquien again, then return to Ian Atnad. - You receive a Record Piece. - Upon reaching the Last Room entrance, you are rewarded with:

  1. 2× Mysterious Egg (12610)
  2. 2× Mysterious Egg II (12871)

- This also unlocks the daily quests:

  1. Collect Memory Records of Research Facilities
  2. Collect Memory Records of Laboratories

### Step 38: Conclude Lost Memories Description: - End of Episode 15.2: Talk to Ian Atnad and select “Report About the Memory of Record.”

## 📅 Verus Daily Quests

Description: For additional daily quests related to Verus and Phantasmagorika, see the [Daily Quests](Daily_Quests_Phantasmagorika) guide.

# 🎉 Congratulations!

This completes the Phantasmagorika guide for Episodes 15.1 & 15.2. Enjoy your adventures in Verus and happy questing!

15.1_15.2_phantasmagorika.1738514553.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/02 16:42 by gemmaster