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15.1 and 15.2 Phantasmagorika

Before starting any quest, be sure to complete the New World Quest first!

Temporal Tina is an NPC who sells Episode Clear Tickets. You can find her at:

  • Prontera (prontera 140, 174) @navi prontera 140/174
  • Main Office (main_office 94, 59) @navi main_office 94/59

Prontera location Main Office location

@navi prontera 140/174 @navi main_office 94/59

Phantasmagorika Questline

Episodes 15.1 (Phantasmagorika) and 15.2 (Lost Memories) share a continuous storyline. Steps 1 → 21 cover Episode 15.1. Steps 22 → 38 cover Episode 15.2.


Below is a cleaned-up version of the Phantasmagorika (Episodes 15.1 and 15.2) guide, with images placed outside of code blocks. This should help ensure the images display correctly and are easy to follow.

# Main Quest

## Episode 15.1: Phantasmagorika

### Step 1 - Enter Eden Group (1st Floor). - Lime Evenor will prompt you to join an excavation group in Juperos. - Agree and continue.

### Step 2 - Go to Eden Group 2nd Floor, in the leftmost room, and talk to Commander Arquien, Nile.

  1. `@navi moc_para01 133/170`

Image ``` ```

### Step 3 - In the room to the right, speak to Lime Evenor.

  1. `@navi moc_para01 174/165`

Image ``` Verus-Pre-002 ```

- She introduces Archeologist Aureth (nearby) and tells you to head to the excavation site.

### Step 4 - In Juno Field 7, talk to Guide Elisha.

  1. `@navi yuno_fild07 216/157`

Image ``` Elevator-004 ```

- Ask about registration and directions. She sends you to Rekenber Headquarters in Lighthalzen.

### Step 5 - At Rekenber HQ in Lighthalzen, speak to Leitner.

  1. `@navi lhz_in01 75/205`

Image ``` Elevator-010 ```

- He registers you so you can use the elevator to Verus Findspot.

### Step 6 - Return to Guide Elisha.

  1. She tries to warp you to Verus, but the elevator breaks.
  2. You must now walk through Juperos 1 to reach Verus manually.
  3. If you still need 30 Used Iron Plates, collect them in Juperos now.

### Step 7 - Inside Juperos Ruins 1 (juperos_01), go to the southeast excavation site. Then keep going south on the next map to enter Juperos Eastern Ruins.

  1. A Rekenber Guard at `@navi juperos_01 15/151` will mark the tunnel's location.
  2. You unlock the Passage Cleaning quest.
  3. Go through Verus Outer Tunnel to arrive in Verus.

Images ``` Elevator-005 Eastern-juperos-ruins ```

- Upon arrival in Verus, speak to Receptionist Nara (`@navi verus04 182/168`) and type Atnad:

  1. Unlocks Eliminating Risks and Verus Daily Quests.
  2. Unlocks the Charleston Crisis Instance.

### Step 8 - In Verus, talk to Guide Scarlet.

  1. `@navi verus04 119/220`

Image ``` Elevator-012 ```

- Her group is stuck on the elevator. She needs 30 Used Iron Plates to fix it.

### Step 9 - Bring 30 Used Iron Plates to Guide Scarlet.

  1. The elevator is now repaired; the team is safe.
  2. You can use the elevator freely from Juno Field 7 to Verus.
  3. Last Room Instance can be accessed here.

### Step 10 - Talk to Receptionist Nara again (`@navi verus04 182/168`), input Atnad once more.

Image ``` Verus-Pre-007 ```

### Step 11 - Speak with Archaeologist Aureth (`@navi verus04 141/193`).

Image ``` Verus-Pre-009 ```

### Step 12 - Talk to Ian Atnad (`@navi verus04 144/193`).

Image ``` Verus-Pre-010 ```

- He needs 20 Power Control Devices (dropped by local Verus monsters).

### Step 13 - After collecting 20 Power Control Devices, hand them to Ian Atnad.

### Step 14 - Report back to Archaeologist Aureth. He directs you to Machinist Lloyd in Verus Center Square.

### Step 15 - Machinist Lloyd (`@navi verus03 103/177`) needs 10 Enriched Energy from Machine Remnants on the map.

  1. Bring 10 Empty Bottles to collect the energy.

- Machine Remnant coordinates (verus03):

@navi verus03 127/145
@navi verus03 104/181
@navi verus03 204/202
@navi verus03 219/199
@navi verus03 260/194
@navi verus03 198/181
@navi verus03 207/115
@navi verus03 54/78
@navi verus03 24/74
@navi verus03 41/121
@navi verus03 62/120
@navi verus03 44/195
@navi verus03 124/61
@navi verus03 168/229

Images ``` Verus-Day-014 Machine_remnant ```

### Step 16 - Return to Machinist Lloyd with 10 Enriched Energy.

### Step 17 - Speak to Archaeologist Aureth again. - He gives you an Excavation Report for Commander Louis.

### Step 18 - Deliver the Excavation Report to Commander Louis (`@navi verus04 179/165`).

Image ``` Verus-Day-008 ```

- You unlock New Power Source.

### Step 19 - Talk to Ian Atnad once more. - He wants some special food, but you need details.

### Step 20 - Find Luke Lapez in Verus Center Square (`@navi verus03 107/177`).

  1. He will cook if you bring:
  2. 2 Meat
  3. 1 Mora Mandarin
  4. 1 Banana
  5. You receive a Bifrost.

Image ``` Verus-Day-015 ```

### Step 21 - Deliver the Bifrost to Ian Atnad.

  1. He asks for time to review the last exploration.
  2. You unlock the Core Collection daily quest.

### Step 22 - End of Episode 15.1. - Speak to Ian Atnad again → choose “Converse.” - He reveals the excavation site was Juperos.

## Episode 15.2: Lost Memories

### Step 23 - Start of Episode 15.2. Speak to Ian Atnad.

  1. He sends you to check the research facilities.
  2. You unlock:
  3. Verus 01: Lab-OPTATIO
  4. Verus 02: R&D-WISH
  5. Under Bunker
  6. Central Laboratory Instance

### Step 24 - Go to R&D-WISH, one map north of Verus Center Square.

  1. `@navi verus03 169/256`

### Step 25 - Immediately inside R&D-WISH, near the north-left wall, examine Strewn Paper.

  1. `@navi verus02 61/29`

Image ``` Central-Lab-Pre-003 ```

- Obtain a Memory Record.

### Step 26 - Return to Ian Atnad. - He instructs you to get a Record Player from Commander Arquien, Nile.

### Step 27 - Return to Eden 2nd Floor (top-left room) and talk to Commander Arquien, Nile.

  1. `@navi moc_para01 133/170`

- Request the Record Player.

### Step 28 - Speak to her again; she needs 5 more Memory Records.

### Step 29 - After finding 5 Memory Records, meet Commander Arquien in Verus.

  1. `@navi verus04 172/149`

Image ``` Central-Lab-Pre-006 ```

- Play them on the Record Player next to her.

### Step 30 - Talk to her again; she sends you back to Ian Atnad.

### Step 31 - Speak with Ian Atnad.

  1. He reveals he is a descendant of Verus.
  2. He wants more Memory Records from a lab NW of Verus Center Square.

### Step 32 - Proceed to Lab-OPTATIO:

  1. `@navi verus03 55/251`

### Step 33 - Inside Lab-OPTATIO, talk to Verity.

  1. `@navi verus01 123/181`

Image ``` Central-Lab-Pre-023 ```

- She warps you to Under Bunker.

### Step 34 - Explore the Under Bunker for glowing objects (Strewn Paper). - Collect 5 Laboratory Memory Records.

### Step 35 - Return to Commander Arquien in Verus with 5 Laboratory Memory Records.

### Step 36 - She tells you to listen to the recordings again.

### Step 37 - After listening, talk to her again; then return to Ian Atnad.

  1. You receive a Record Piece.
  2. On reaching the Last Room entrance, you get:
  3. 2 × Mysterious Egg (12610)
  4. 2 × Mysterious Egg II (12871)
  5. You unlock the following daily quests:
  6. Collect Memory Records of Research Facilities
  7. Collect Memory Records of Laboratories

### Step 38 - End of Episode 15.2. - Talk to Ian Atnad and select “Report About the Memory of Record.”

# Verus Daily Quests You can find additional daily quests related to Verus and Phantasmagorika here: ``` Daily Quests ```

This completes the Phantasmagorika (Episodes 15.1 and 15.2) guide. Enjoy your adventures in Verus!

15.1_15.2_phantasmagorika.1738513779.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/02 16:29 by gemmaster